
tera power leveling the whole a-share market will have on the strong performance - MQR

129762943158593750_15Credit demand by banks this year net interest margin narrowed Banking "windfall" into two sessions, hot topics, also criticized by many. But standard and poor's latest research report, 2012, Chinese banking profitability will decline. Poor's analysts tera power leveling, with the cost of bank financing and gradually catch up with the inflation rate, and the reduction in credit demand, 2012 margins may moderate decline. Under an economic soft landing, 2012-year average return on equity of the banking industry in China from 0.8% per cent. Zhongyuan securities banking research fellow Chen Xi also said that if the future increase in the easing, and can effectively guide end of building economic upturn, the whole a-share market will have on the strong performance, but improved profitability is expected to be stronger in other industries, and banks will have to face because of the decline in lending rates andThe profitability decline. China Banking Regulatory Commission statistics show, 2011 national commercial bank net profit up to $ 1.04 trillion, $ 277.5 billion increase over the previous year, growth rate of 38.4%. Higher than the profits of industrial enterprises above designated size in the country last year rose 25.4%. Monopoly but also higher than that of tobacco, oil and other industries. AlthoughMany bankers in two sessions during the "windfall" fallinf, but still has a lot of criticism for the high profits of the Bank. However, in 2012, the bad loans of Bank margins would be increased, and the threat of credit demand. On March 13, the poor's financial institution rating services Director Liao says, banks of bad loans is expected it will not rush, but bad for the whole year loansRates will increase 2%-3%, rose to 4-5%. While slowing economic growth in the Mainland and loan pricing may fall, also has the potential to erode the Mainland banking margins on 2012 year. However, p also believes that the banking bad loans with a lower base and good profitability, as well as continued strong economic, given enough room to digest the Chinese banking creditModest losses could rise. In addition, regulators continue to improve loan-loss reserve requirements for the past few years, is to force banks to substantially increase the credit risk of buffer space. 2011 commercial banks at the end of the overall provision of coverage of 278.1%. Provides buffer for 2012 financial fluctuations in performance. Zhongyuan securities report also said that the four quarters last year of bad loansRose has been in banking for widespread now, future economic downturn if space is still large, deterioration in asset quality will become more obvious. In addition, the poor's report also analyses that, 2011 due to strong demand and low supply of credit, net interest margin increased substantially tera power leveling, so that the last year's average return on assets will be improved. But with the cost of bank financing and graduallyInflation rates, and the reduction in credit demand, 2012 margins may moderate decline. Poor's expected 2012 banking credit losses will rise, margins may be reduced, leading to Chinese banks falling. Relative to bank profitability, poor's liquidity situation more optimistic about China's banking industry. Poor's view that China-silverIndustry's liquidity position remains strong. End of 2011 Bank loan ratio from the previous year as a whole rose to 69.1% of, is expected in 2012 loan ceiling will further close supervision of the banking sector as a whole 75%. In the context of inflation tera gold, China's banking industry will have to continue to provide financial products to retain sensitive-yielding savings account. In addition the highReserve ratio requirements for 2011, putting pressure on bank capital and liquidity management. But in view of China's banking system as a whole-loan ratio far below the average of similar countries in the world, it is expected that the situation for at least the next 3-5 years does not pose a real threat on the liquidity situation in the banking. Others:

