
tera power leveling finals in men's high school group - JSY

129788454319687500_52Beijing Beijing traditional school basketball game ends players appeared at the ceremony Morning News (reporter Liu Chen) of traditional sports schools in Beijing ended yesterday in Beijing four in basketball matches, finals in men's high school group tera power leveling, won the Championship in the Miyun II defeat Beijing in four. Bbmg team player Fang Shuo absent the closing ceremony and prize-winning school team award. Scramble competition after a month, Dong Zhi men Middle School won the women's champion in both the high school and junior high school, maleSubgroup high school and junior high school team champions were respectively in Miyun County in Beijing and four in the second pocket. Primary group, the first experimental primary school and primary school is in the peace of the Division Championship for men and women. This competition has been held over 29 tera gold, master's students are also participants. As a sponsor of the competition this year, peak sporting goods company provides all break into the finals of the team and the referee's outfit and awardsProduct. According to peak corporate PR Deputy Director Liu introduced, peak has invested close to $ 100,000 for the competitions, "we want to provide a showcase for young basketball fans have a chance to, and also hope that concern the whole society of youth basketball development. "In 2010 tera gold, the peak launched the youth basketball development program, including the schools operating endowment basketball equipment and basketball camps and other activities,To help promote the development of basketball in China. Others:

