
swtor credits as well as problems of public concern - CVE

129770919857500000_33Beijing West railway station taxi waiting area, lined up long lines of passengers. Reporter Sun Chunxia photo report from (reporter Tang 旸) for a taxi difficult issues, encourages passengers to take a taxi in Beijing, especially in the morning rush hour, pay common fares section of 60%, and you can print more than one copy of the invoice. The day before yesterday afternoon, Beijing Municipal traffic law enforcement General Brigade Captain Kuo YaoGuest speaking at a window of the capital swtor credits, and 96,103 now called car phones can provide "set" operations. At the same time, refusing hire rental heavier punishment. Take is not against the current, has more than 60,000 vehicles a taxi in Beijing, providing services to more than 2 million people on a daily basis. Kuo Yao said that, judging from the current situation, peak evening rush hour is still refusing,Taxi loaded with high rate for this time period, so less, individual drivers will also take the opportunity to pick, especially in commercial districts, stations, subway stations around the region, frequent refusing. Refusing high, in fact, is a taxi who get together to chat area. Kuo Yao suggested, people may wish to experience. According to his introduction, in Beijing, the taxi is not illegal, but will be extended. CanPrinting multiple invoices according to the traffic Department and financial Department jointly issued provisions, passengers pay common fares section of 60%, you can also print more than one copy of the invoice. If you are two people aboard, but had to get off, get off at the first passengers pay fares at 60%, get off after passengers pay fares 60% fares as well as the use of part of road sections. Multi-One car payment and so on. For objects, Kuo Yao said that if two or three people will live in the same community, the time each day to and from, not far from the unit, may wish to take tera gold, you can reduce costs and ease of a taxi. Whether or not the decision in the hands of passengers, like catch the extreme weather such as snow, tension of airport capacity, staff onlyTo advise passengers as far as possible, if the passenger does not want, or barely. "We want taxi companies to try and promote the operational services. "Kuo Yao said, and 96,103 now called car phones can provide" set "operations. Preparing the "ride" is different from "spell" industry sources said, speaking on the legal nature, "Take the "and" make "is an entirely different legal acts. "Spell" refers to the taxi drivers in pursuit of a higher degree of interest to passenger people, this infringement of the rights of passengers, is a violation. "Ride" refers to the peak in passenger transport, or sections, passengers ride together in the same taxi being made by voluntary acts, was a legitimate act. Linking Fuzhou: force to fight fines1000 in July last year, Fuzhou Road Transport Management Office joint Fuzhou City taxi industry Association announced that the taxi driver's code of conduct. "" Provides a clear explanation. The provisions of the code of conduct, when asked to take passengers, drivers should observe the following provisions: one is to seek the views of passengers, first passenger must agree; second "take"Must be starting point for trading in a taxi, do not allow operating the Midway "ride"; third, strictly in accordance with the provisions of the standard charges, that is, "take" section to every passenger the collection of fees 60%; four is to ensure that the interests of the first guests, basically had to send the first guests arrived, passengers of consensus between the two sides, can be performed according to the passengers to the outcome of the consultations. Strong without the consent of passengersSpelling, or does not charge by the provision, a fine of $ 1000, and recover the service supervision card, included in the taxi driver's honesty "blacklist", according to the taxi industry self-regulation Convention, two years shall not be employed as a taxi driver, and two years later, again training and passed the examination, before engaging in a taxi operation. Survey of passengers "troubles" master "hard" for rentIn the real operation seems to be difficult. Yesterday the wind, late peak came early, arrived at 17 o'clock, da bei Yao has gathered a lot of people took a taxi outside the bus station. Each taxi stopped and picked up a man, attracted the envy of all eyes. 20 minutes, that's the "carpool". Drivers say: "make too much trouble, no one was willing to fight. "" Passenger "reason:" the troubles "journalistIn interviews with more than 10 employees took a taxi the public under the bridge, and no one is willing to take. Grounds for refusal are mainly "troubles". "By how much cheaper? What specially by people? "Foreign company staff Sun Guo took a taxi back to the ten mile River every day, he believed that a taxi is to save time, if you still have to wait for others to take, or waste time on the road diablo 3 gold, took a taxi point at a discount. In addition,How to take a shared fare, as well as problems of public concern, most of the respondents believed that to two destinations, bypass may occur, how to cost-sharing calculations are in trouble. Reason two: "risky" waiting for the women for "ride" is less avoidance, when a reporter said to the two girls, you can take a walk to the South, the other guard looked at says "Why don't you want to? "In interviews, most women think, and those who are not familiar with, especially of the opposite sex, feel dangerous. "Uncomfortable, you do not know the man in the car, who does not speak to who, how embarrassing. "Mr Suen said. "Driver" reason: "cannot play" 4 o'clock in the afternoon yesterday, baiziwan road, a small restaurant, the drivers master on a taxi"Take the" arguing the rules. Is the most difficult operation of passenger tickets to different destinations. Fang Songqing says, allowed by the rules as early as a few years ago he had heard, but how to play never solved. For example, if two people take to baiziwan road, from Xidan, is about $ 28 to $ 30, and one of them got off, another person to go. In this case, get off at the firstPassengers can't get invoice, because the lift table does not start the meter, if the lift table, another passenger mileage pricing won't be accurate. "If two people the same locations, and set down to two tickets. "Fang Songqing said, but that was a passenger in a taxi before the discussions. Reason two: "peer conflict", "you, it means that under theSale robbed of car, didn't you do. "Driver Liu says," not as a 60% "by circle almost unwritten conventions. As to the reason, says Liu, beiyuan calculation to guomao subway station to Tongzhou, fares are $ 30 without traffic jam around, fare, $ 18 per person if two people, total is $ 36. Drivers in this processNot get much benefit, but in these difficult to taxi offending peers, well lanhuo in the future. "This is not worth when, a place not so dry, unless the black car. "Three reasons:" complaints, "said taxi driver Liu Jianzhong, by open or there is a problem is that the drivers can easily be complaints. He said, how to define passenger voluntarily "ride" and drivers take the initiative "make"Blur. Two people at the same time for a taxi, the driver said "ride", if one party does not wish to easily "refusing hire" complaints. "Management to at least clear this or passengers to call company that can't stand each day. "In addition, the different destinations, prone to changes on the route, passengers often because this complaint" bypass ", heFor, if so the company severely punished, not cost. Wen Chao Guo experience Oolong in the dial-a-ride "96,101" is the media hotline, accurate numbers should be "96,106" at 3 o'clock in the afternoon yesterday, and hotlines of reporter according to the media reports, appointments for "ride" failed rental. "96,103" construction company for silver taxi booking servicePhone as a reporter to the public upon booking-in-vehicle, the identity, the other operator, the company cannot provide "" reservation can only provide a single individual to make an appointment. After 20 minutes, have contacted and the company master driver, that can provide services, but also not "ride". "We can't give people you find a car-sharing, which are also not allowed. "The driver said。 Another appointment by telephone "96,101" call the past, voice prompts the telephone number for a media hotline, a reporter would like to make an appointment for rent, provide another number "961,001", once connected, voice prompts for the number is Beijing taxi dispatching Centre, and a 5-bit enabled, several new "96,106". Through "96,106" in the future, The operator said, you can make an appointment "" rental, but reminded reporters, booking successfully is unlikely, recommended that reporters keep personal appointments. "We can help you with your comments, to give priority to providing the same route-in-vehicle. "After about 30 minutes, a taxi driver and press contact, but said no passengers. Wen Chao Guo () Others:

