
tera power leveling this sudden policy exposedFinancial increasing local governments rely on land -

129774133151093750_148A few days ago, the Premier said: reasonable prices and income for residents.  In accordance with international practice, a family income to purchase a House for 6 years, as we can reasonable prices all over the project. We calculated in accordance with each family has 2 labour, by multiplying the per capita disposable income of around 2, and then multiply by 6, basically you canCame home 6 years total sum which is the family can afford the price. On this basis and then divided by 80 (whichever we each buy 80 square meter house), so that data is probably reasonable prices price of each city. Formula: reasonable prices = urban (urban per capita disposable income??)  /80. This is, onSea, built at reasonable prices is 5734.5 Yuan/square meter; reasonable price should be $ 5,475 per square meter of Shenzhen Beijing reasonable price should be $ 4935.45/square meter. Believed that a lot of people look at this data will freak out, or even a lot of people will think this is an impossible dream. In this regard, I think that, above a reasonable roomCan achieve, but wishes to make the return of China's property prices reasonable, shall have at least the following prerequisite. , The Central Government should be established in real estate has always been, the Central Government on the real estate market entirely too high of expectations, greatly support the real estate market. Since the Reformation, the Central Government on the real estate market entirely placed great hopes, hope the House can, asJust like any other commodity through market-oriented to meet the needs of the population. As a result, the Government got to do whatever we can to support the real estate industry: commercial houses provided during sales, real estate development and real estate loans, personal and housing loans, land use the gold delayed payment, give very low proportion of capital for real estate projects, and so on. All the real estate business to successfully support policyLittle Bo, to quickly develop and gather the excess wealth, at the same time, China's property prices have also been pushing on several occasions.  Is not an exaggeration to say that, the Government's real estate market expectations too high prices-East is completely abnormal state of the most important reasons for the high. Over the years, whether it's real estate business, media or Government officials, as long as the referred real estate, they will take it for grantedThat the real estate market that is the same as for the real estate market. Judging from practice, real estate market cannot satisfy the people of housing needs. Under the current market trend of house prices return to a reasonable, the Central Government must be established in real estate, era of the Chinese real estate market moving into the consumer market, pattern of Chinese real estate relocation, from the original house rulePattern positioned as affordable housing, General commercial (low price, small and medium sized) for the times, and high-end commercial secondary pattern. Financial thinking, local governments should reject the second land under the direction of local government financial thinking, with real estate companies form a community of interests, become a main force maintenance of excessive prices. Over the years, the local government interests in real estate in the chainA consensus both within and outside of the ring has become the industry. This, from various local government performance can be gauged by the macro-control policies are not in place, many of the Central Government to rescue prices just can't wait when entering the downward path; local governments and officials look at the GDP, taxes tera gold, giving support to real estate, real estate companies turn a blind eye to violations, discipline, and even violations ofTo open the door, in recent years, various officials of one's criminal conspiracy was unmasked as demonstrated by the real estate sector corruption. At the same time, driven by local government financial thinking, has set high land prices, which to a large extent, increasing the cost of housing, to a large extent, pushing up prices. It can be said that local government fiscal thinking, house prices-East is excessive andImportant factors in high.  Therefore, the return of China's property prices reasonable, local governments should abandon the land financial thinking, implement to the letter the central regulation of real estate and housing policy. Third, for the General introduction of commercial housing land leasehold is currently, as far as the real estate market, inviting tenders, auction and hanging as a mainstream land supply policy, on a practical level, this sudden policy exposedFinancial increasing local governments rely on land, local governments and developers to develop communities of interest, very easy to breed corruption of local government officials, to some extent, pushing up prices and to stimulate the real estate market of contradictions and many other abuses. I think that land supply policy needed wholesale change, under the current market conditions, prices return to a reasonable, to be GeneralWild land leasehold land for housing construction implemented.  In this way, not only can significantly reduce development costs, reasonable pricing for developers will play an active role, thus significantly reduce the prices, reduce the burden on home buyers, but also to a large extent, speed up the progress developers push. Land rent charged can be divided into two phases: the first, real estate development, lessee of real estate development enterprise, So the rent charged to the developer and, second, property used during the party for the owners to lease, the rent charged to the property rights.  In this way, developers in the House will be built covered sales and not be reluctant to sell out as soon as possible. Four, change of prices statistics due to early developers in the development of most of the houses are high-end residential, its notable feature is the large scale, highTotal price, high price, relatively speaking, small and medium sized, relatively less common commercial housing at a low price.  In this way, at a price as the price calculation standards today, inevitably, the price is higher. If statistical offices can change prices and statistics tera gold, price statistics is divided into two parts, one for the high-end residential tera power leveling, which include all the villas, top grade apartments, second as a normal commercial housing。 In this way, people will see significant differences in the two houses of the average price. And because ordinary people can only be purchased in the ordinary housing at a low price, their degree of concern for high-end residential average price is bound to become increasingly weakened, just like regular people don't care about the current prices of luxury goods. This will to a large extent slow people for resistance of high prices, which to a large extent, easeExcited by the high prices of contradictions. Five, the substantial increase in the general housing supply as mentioned earlier, ordinary housing supply at a low price in low led to China's property prices are now an important cause of excessive. Therefore, from the land supply, the Government policy of tax breaks, skew, and so ensure a substantial increase in the supply of low-price common commercial housing. Once the market low-priced goods onSignificant increase in the supply of housing, you can fundamentally change the relationship between supply and demand on the one hand, on the other hand, can give the housing price decrease significantly reduce the sensitivity of people for high prices. SINA music stations official Forum: http://Liaoyang.BBS.House.Sina.com.CN/Forum-36902-1.html Others:

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