
tera power leveling - JUC

129773928547187500_185Hexun homepage established mobile phone version of the stock/fund market for micro-blogging news blog live small company stocks the major new share placements by gem new third sector brokers New York themesBulletin deal prompted the financial calendar of earnings release memo block trade in thousands of shares of financial market Center collection of funds flowing to new share purchase financing microblogging hexun.com daily limit of the unit gather Forum pioneer financial management training placements by > body font size print RSSMarch 27, 2012 from: China Group securities network after long wait for up to 1 year, cmbc (600,016, unit) (600,016) finally launched the refinancing plan. And in order to capture fleeting market opportunities, Minsheng h share rights issue, then select "Flash placement"Approach.   At the end of last year, Minsheng Bank's core capital ratio was only 7.87% less than regulatory red line. According to the Bank notice, this HK $ 6.65 per cent the line intended for each new share placements, total size does not exceed 1.65 billion, raised funds equivalent to about $ 9 billion. The South reporter interview about yesterdaySaid the h-shares placement is used in the "lightning placing" approach, namely, shareholders ' meeting authorized the Board of Directors according to the actual situation, offer price determined on the basis of the issue or placing any time, increased circulation and placing of new shares may be listed immediately. However, the fundraising livelihood only core capital ratio than the annual upgrade about a 0.5%. According toDew, a-shares in current Bank convertible bonds issuing applications were still waiting for official approval of the regulatory authorities, there is no timetable. Remove comes top in rushing to refinancing the Bank without the slightest sign of cases, Bank issued Sunday night announcement, shares placements will be conducted on Monday, the Bank a and h share both business day. Though not surprising,But the real market still think when all of a sudden. Early in January last year, capital highlights the Bank had said it would refinance, but mainly to private placement financing plan is strongly opposed by market parties, Minsheng was forced to make changes were introduced in March last year, "shares the convertible bond h share rights issue" refinancing program, and have access to the Mainland and Hong KongMarket approved by the authorities of the two places. However due to poor capital market environment last year, a number of banks money scheme are forced to postpone, Minsheng Bank's refinancing plan. With the capital market gradually warmed since this year, has been saddled with bound many banks began to ready capital, since the beginning of this year, a Beijing Bank (601,169, unit)(601,169), SDB (000001, shares), Société Générale (601,166, unit) (601,166) tera power leveling, Bank of communications (601,328) including notice of Bank refinancing plan or progress, and the Bank work in the h-share market suddenly start placing, quick action more than the market expected. According to the just releasedAnnual report tera gold, at the end of last year, Minsheng Bank's core capital ratio was only 7.87%, below the new 8% of the capital management of commercial banks under the supervision of the red line. Notice of capital adequacy ratio is only a 0.5% according to the Bank, this HK $ 6.65 per cent the line intended for each new share placements, total size does not exceed 16.500 million shares. As at last Friday, the Bank's shares closed at 7.15 Hong Kong dollars, new share price than the market price discount to distribution around 4% per cent.   Under its influence, h share market, China's banking stocks fell yesterday, with China Merchants Bank fell more than 2%, other Chinese banks shares both fell at around 1%. The persons concerned, the h-shares placement is used in the "FlashPlacing "approach, namely, shareholders ' meeting authorized the Board of Directors according to the actual situation, offer price determined on the basis of the issue or placing any time, increased circulation and placing of new shares may be listed immediately. "And the a-share market shares, private placement equity financing in different ways and open the 3 kinds of additional lightning placing Unlimited subscription object, for all investors equally, after the new share issueNo lock. "The official said," by lightning placing, you can shorten the cycle of non-public offerings, reduce the risk of stock price changes due to placing to avoid loss of interests of minority shareholders. "Minsheng Bank said the placement would make the Bank's capital adequacy ratio from the current 10.86% to 11., core capital chargeFull-rate from the current 7.87% to 8., respectively about 0.. "Even if they do not calculate the placement, a quarter the Bank's capital adequacy ratio remained consistent with existing regulatory requirements. "Shares the convertible bond has no timetable although the people's livelihood has launched h-share placement, but the Bank shares the convertible bond issue still has not.According to the Bank's refinancing plan, in addition to outside the h-share the financing of additional $ 9 billion, in the a-share market also will issue a convertible bond, raising about $ 20 billion.   Yesterday, the line about to the South on this reporter confirmed that is still waiting for official approval of the regulatory authorities. Sinolink securities (600,109, unit) (600,109), Banking Analyst ChenJust think, Minsheng Bank's decision this year to share system reform, implementation of dividend policy, twice a year tera gold, indicating that the line is trying to highlight the return for shareholders. "The plan every 10 bonus this year of 3.7, dividend rate of 28., far higher than the average historical levels, and joint-stock Bank. "Chen jiangang," says management also recommends 2012Year interim profit distribution cash dividend ratio is not less than 20% of net profit in the first half, very attractive bonus programme. ” Others:

