
tera gold she endured all kinds of Tai Kang Jinggu - TTB

129771622152500000_31Kang Youwei's first "mother-in-law" are small at the foot of Ieyama, "Jiao Shi Ming Qin" four words, Kang You-wei's question, inscribe: g March of Kang You-wei Shen.   This is t-Ieyama mountains of Kang You-wei's inscription on the wall "submerged rocks" inscribe: Kang Youwei in South China Sea. Trainee reporter Zheng Yi produced reporter Han Dan Benjamin l. Liebman on offer contact dead HongShizutani Lady's son Tony, his efforts to keep his sadness: "I was a mess. My mother was born on February 6, 1929, Grandma Zhang Guang is of Kang You-wei's sixth wife. After the death of my grandfather, grandmother up my mother alone after 18 years, died in the liberation. "At the time, Kang Jinggu from Hangzhou women aged 18 after graduating from senior high school, and began to study medicine.In 1951, Kang Jinggu and the flat sea of dental disease prevention work Lu Wei鉖 married, married with two women and a man. "My mother was in three hospitals Radiology doctor, in the hospital for life. Father is a dentist, dental disease prevention before, later changed to a Dental Hospital now. Now my sister in the United States, second sister in Hangzhou as a teacher. "Mr LU said,Pro-life "dull, naive", after the older, more do not want outsiders too much attention. "End of the day, mother's heart, lung and kidney failure, it is difficult to breathe, she said just one word, behind ' dispense with all unnecessary formalities '.  My father does not show on the surface, but what mother, he is clear. "Because it is too sad, early March I mother in hospital, Just over a week, father himself in hospital. Hospital it was very thoughtful, put them in the same ward. Well, we had about 1 o'clock in the afternoon, father of blood pressure, suddenly fell unconscious, to wake up yet.  Mother passed away last night, he didn't know sth " Obituary of Kang You-wei and Zhang Guang's daughter, loved his wife and Kang Jinggu invalid due to illness in March 2012, 23rd in Hangzhou, died aged 84.  Following Kang Jinggu living wishes, funeral dispense with all unnecessary formalities.  Obituaries Lu Wei鉖 I be piteously March 24, 2012 my grandma rate and female nickname ACUI, not the mother board sth Adoptive mothers, were written Kang Kang Jinggu low-key family spectrum, between the father of Kang You-wei and his mother Zhang GuangThe emotional story, most of her and their children speak only a few.  In recent years, there are few Kang Jinggu did an interview with the media, but a number of inconsistencies in the report.  Yesterday afternoon, his grandson Tony responded to these questions clarified. 1. a lot of information, are described as Zhang Guang as a "mother Board of West Lake", but Kang Jinggu said in an interview with motherRural women.  Tony: my grandmother's mother is in Westlake guys pole in the mother board, but my grandma here, and you haven't touched this.  My grandma grandmother generation began, lived in qixia area. My grandma was young, his family called her "green", "Zhang Guang" 's name is later, grandfather of Kang Youwei helped her. Hard to sayAnd my grandma should be considered one of the Lake's rural women.  2. on Kang Youwei's active-site to propose a marriage, some information say that Zhang Guang's mother strongly opposed, said Zhang Guang also does not promise to yourself. Tony: in fact, both of these claims are.  Since the beginning, they were both opposed to propose a marriage. The reason is simple, Kang You-wei is a famous at that time, there is potentialFamous people, and my grandma's House is just a wild power, incorrectly tera gold, does not, of course, not to cling easily.  Furthermore, my grandma was 19 years old then, Kang You-wei's nearly 60 years old, my grandmother is of course not.  Later, Kang You-wei's repeatedly expressed sincerity finally moved my grandmother and my grandmother, it is a later story. 3. Kang Jinggu not Kang You-wei andZhang Guang's daughter, but to adopt?  Tony: my grandfather was a time for the death of Kang You-wei's in 1927, and my mother was born in 1929. Grandfather and grandmother married childless for many years, has always been my grandfather's regret.  He decided that the adoptive children come in to relatives, as his blood and Grandma. When he died, my grandmother'sTo comply with this wish, birth of a baby girl home to adopt them.  This girl is my mother Kang Jinggu, adoption, she is immediately written to the Kang family, which is the grandfather of Kang You-wei's tenth daughter.  4. after the death of Kang You-wei, Zhang Guang took his daughter to move into the "slum", she endured all kinds of Tai Kang Jinggu? Tony: this is really not knownHow is out.  After the death of my grandfather, grandmother brought my mother alone, although the living conditions than ever before, but not constraints. Grandfather after the death of Kang You-wei, Ding Ieyama "kangzhuang" by the Northern Expedition army seized, but Master Kang You-wei's living and development AERA Guo Zhuang Guo Shilin great, Guo Shilin often loaned AERA Guo Zhuang Kang You-wei's residence. My grandmother and my mother continues toIn the aera Guo Zhuang jiezhu, until her death.  At that time, people around my mother has been referred to as "Miss Guo Zhuangkang".  But what are the widows, my mother and I have said that two of her stories as a child, I'm impressed. Is a countryside rent. Grandfather in maoshan, Jiangsu Province in the year has a farm, poor management of collapsed, fields had to be rented. After the death of hisAnd the wife and children to take turns to maoshan rent.  To my grandmother and my mother year round, coincided with a severe drought, and Grandma live local victims cried out, did not receive a penny. Last daughter two fare running out, can not afford accommodation, store button in the wood House and two cry on each other's shoulder. Last one in the shop tenants, I heard that they are of Kang You-wei's family, helped them to pay the Bill,Also to send them back to the aera Guo Zhuang.  Second is the grandfather of calligraphy. My Grandma, and sometimes will go live in the Nunnery. She has two side of the box, which is grandfather leaving calligraphy.  One night, two robbers broke into the hut, my grandmother, mother, and the woman is tied to a post in the hut, carry the two boxes. After Grandpa died, he left scrollIs home base and Grandma can pick only things to cherish the memory of my grandfather.  This grandma is very sad, and subsequently infected with schistosomiasis, in his forties, has passed away. Hong Chong building in Hangzhou Ieyama Ting Kang You-wei's inscription on the wall in the mountains, many places will stay under the traces of life of Kang You-wei and Zhang Guang, yesterday afternoon, we made a few visits.Qixia is Zhang Guang ling, 12th here mother's ancestral home. Grandson Tony said, from Zhang Guang grandmother began, families live here. "Qixia Ling House, originally a thatched cottage, later my grandfather found a people, converted into houses here. "Kang Jinggu've heard mothers say, father of Kang You-wei was in this ancestral home, met for the first time" mother-in-law "。 When you find qixia Ridge yesterday, 12th, just supper time here has changed "xixia restaurant, economic to FRY", business was good.  House of 100 square meters, really old, white walls on the black is full of vicissitudes.  Ask the hotel boss, the boss said, know that this House is only 18 made up of few years as primitive sth AERA Guo Zhuang development AERA Guo Zhuang ownerGarden lend Kang You-wei's residence, Kang You-wei married her shortly after Zhang Guang, family also received a development AERA Guo Zhuang Zhang Guang. "My Grandpa and Grandma are long lived in Shanghai, Hangzhou, but will often come back to lifetime. "Tony said," when they are not, my grandma who helped to take care of about AERA Guo Zhuang debris. Because development AERA Guo Zhuang in Mao's home town on the edge of my grandmother were later claimed to be ' Tall FescueHome town '. "After the death of Kang You-wei, is also on AERA Guo Zhuang, Zhang Guang Kang Jinggu and mother and daughter have a shelter.  Kang Jinggu AERA Guo Zhuang grows up, it is called "Miss Guo Zhuangkang".  After marriage, Zhang Guang family moved into development AERA Guo Zhuang. Ieyama Ding Hong Chong is built on small Ieyama. A lot of people may not know, Hong Chong and liuzhuang are linked together tera power leveling, now belongs to the West LakeHotel.  Kang Youwei in liuzhuang lived for a time, as live as possible like, the last bought large tracts of land under the small Ieyama in the North, built his own garden: one day, that is, Hong Chong. According to Mr LU said, Hong Chong is married Grandpa and Grandma started to build after Zhang Guang, but into the garden, also had the opportunity to live on a few times – Kang You-wei and Zhang Guang, where they spent a shortTemporary "walking in the flowers and leaves of the trees in the early morning, sitting down by the Lake in the evening glow" enjoyable days, then two of them went to Qingdao, Kang You-wei's illness in Qingdao.  Mr Luk said, "a day" site, near reading Chairman Mao in xihu State guesthouse. Yesterday afternoon, we climb up the small Ieyama, was studying at Chairman Mao on the wall near a mountain to find Kang Youwei'sFor the inscription.  Reading: "hidden Rock" Word, inscribe: Kang Youwei in South China Sea.  Clear gate square, Zhongshan Road, qinghe sth  Kang Jinggu mother told Zhang Guang has been struck by the gameplay experience. That day, Kang You-wei Zhang Guang boating lake, Qing gate on the Bank.  Two people go over the qinghefang, Zhongshan Road. Tired, Kang You-wei's to buy a bowl of chilled pear pulpLight to drink.  Hungry, Kang Youwei took his wife into the House "and the music building" public house. Tea on the table, smell of almonds tera power leveling, pumpkin seeds, spiced beans and olives.  Kang Youwei's a beaver, snow bubble plum wine, jade, bad meat, raw sliced eel with explosion, blasting and double crisp, Longjing shrimp. Song Qing Miao songs in the downstairs Hall House, window Opera, hawking, fortune telling practice physiognomy, bargain, Urban phenomena, and so on. Zhang Guang smiled, Kang You-wei's food, add wine sth Others:

