
tera gold Germany DAX 30 rose 1.2% - JMZ

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East Coast time on March 26 (March 27 Beijing time), the Dow Jones industrial average rose 160.9, closed at 13241.63 points, up 1.23%, and the Nasdaq composite index rose 54.65, closed at 3122.57 points, up 1.78%;Standard and poor's 500 index rose 19.4 points, closed at 1416.51 points, up 1.39%. Before Monday, Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke (Ben Bernanke), said it also still uncertain job market since the recent pace of improvement will continue. He also pointed out that, behind the weak employment market, strugglingWeak demand is the most important factor, rather than lack of job skills of labor and other structural problems. ����Bernanke further pointed out that, in this environment, the current super low interest rate policy of the Federal Reserve is likely to be helpful. "Bond King," said Pacific (601,099, unit) investment management Bill-gross, co-chief investment officerStatement, the Fed may hint on interest on the Conference in April launched a third round of quantitative easing (QE3). Prior to the Fed Chairman made the remarks, United States in February of second-hand house check sales data disappoint some economists have been. ����February second-hand House sign to 97 per cent of sales from January, but still rose 9.2 points. Market value ofBelieve that fed close to the zero interest rate policy, such as the purchase of national debt and other extraordinary measures promoting economic growth, coupled with a synchronized global Central Bank to take some other action, is the key to bear market stocks shake off three years ago. ����Since then, p 500 index has risen 1 time. Germany economic data to benefit European stock index rose Monday 0.96% on Monday, Germany Ifo business confidence index in March rose unexpectedly to 109.8 points far exceeded market expectations, driving more of the main regional European stock index closed up although Spain local elections and the uncertainty of the prospects for public finances led to the country's stock market fell, but European stock indexes are traded throughout the day up 0.96%. The Pan-European Dow JonesIndex closed at 268.21 points on Monday, up 0.96%. ����The index had earlier fallen to 265.25 low. In the main regional indices, Germany DAX 30 rose 1.2%, closed at 7079.23 points; France CAC 40 rose 0.74%, closed at 3501.98, United Kingdom Financial Times 100Rose 0.82%, closed at 5902.7 points. New York crude oil futures rose 0.2% barrel $ crude-oil futures rose slightly from Monday's close in New York, as Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke (Ben Bernanke) earlier today, dealers were encouraged by the remarks made by his darkShows the Fed will continue to loose monetary policy. ����On that day, the New York Mercantile Exchange (NYMEX) light crude oil futures for delivery in May rose 16 cents, closed at $ 107.03 per barrel, up 0.2%. New York gold futures rose $ 1.4% reported $ gold futures prices on MondayClosed up because Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke (Ben Bernanke) earlier today, are encouraged by the remarks made by the dealer tera gold, his comments suggesting that the Federal Reserve will continue to loose monetary policy. On that day, the New York Mercantile Exchange (NYMEX) under the commodity exchange (COMEX) gold futures for April deliveryPrice US $ 23.2, closed at $ 1685.6 an ounce, or 1.4%, its highest close since major contracts for nearly two weeks. Bernanke hinted again incentives Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke, 26th in the National Association of business economics (NABE) said a speech, current United States improved employment market is influenced by drumSigns of dance, is also fed to launch reflect the effect of the stimulus. He said United States unemployment rate consistently high mainly because of the actual economic growth below potential growth rate, that is mainly dominated by cyclical unemployment unemployment. Although now the signs in the economy, but if not "flexibility" measures, cyclical unemployment is likely to shift to structural unemployment.Bernanke this stance, analysts interpret this as the Federal Reserve or more stimulus to further improve the employment market. ����This positive market, stocks advance sharply, stock market intraday gains to expand in Europe, crude oil prices were slightly higher in New York. United States February NAR pending home sales fell 0.5% National Association of real estate brokers(NAR) reported on Monday, February United States pending housing sales drop slightly, but still at the level close to two-year high, that United States real estate market may be stabilizing. According to National Association of real estate brokers of the pending home sales index down February, to 96.5 points, less than economists had expected; 1Amended to increase 2% of the month, to 97 points, its highest level since April 2010. Bloomberg survey of 41 surveyed economists expected, February 1% the index growth, forecast range of between slipped one to growth 1.5%. ����And compared to the same period last year, growth in February pending home sales 14%. ReportAlso, in the United States in the four regions, there are three areas pending housing sales for February slipped, fell in the southern region of 3%, falling to 2.6% in the Western region, Midwest region for growth 6.5%. For housing construction, foreclosure houses are still one of the factors that is worrying. California real estate information agency RealtyTRAC reported this month, applications for February foreclosures fall 8%, its minimum percentage per cent decline since October 2010. Gross: fed or April suggests the launch QE3 according to foreign media reports, "notes King," said co-chief investment officer of Pacific investment management company, Bill-gross, 25th is expected, the Federal Reserve mayInterest in April on the hinted at a meeting to launch the third round of quantitative easing (QE3). Analysts believe that the Bush administration tax policy most will end, and from 2013 onwards United States automatically cut $ 1 trillion federal budget tera power leveling, financial constraints to increase fears of a slowdown in economic growth, they need to be fed more support.Gross head of Pimco total return Fund last month will be held by the United States Government bonds from cut to 38% of one month before, to cut for the first time since the February 2011 United States Government bond holdings. While gross will hold mortgage-backed bonds, from 50% to 52%. Total return funds currently managed assets reached 252 billion dollars, the world's largest bond fund. ����Return on the Fund last year reached 5.8%, conquered half of the competition. The Nikkei index rose slightly to 0.07% Yen weakens on Monday boosted stock index Nikkei 225 average (March 26) advance 0.29%, weaker Yen boosted the market, broadly in line with market expectations of the trend, baseThe shocks to maintain narrow movements, as at the close of the Nikkei stock index closed higher 0.07% throughout the day, rose 6.77, 10018.24. China daily micro-rose 0.06 points property stocks led by blue chips Hong Kong stocks opened strong regression after repeated shocks in the afternoon following the Mainland shares surge, only to encounter resistance drop, as at the close tera power leveling, the Hang Seng Index 20,668.86 points, slightly up 0.06; market report 10591.52, fall 66.35 point, or 0.62%; red-chip index 3992.95, rose 39.43, or 0.93%. Big city contract 44.292 billion Hong Kong dollars. ����On property stocks, led by blue-chip stocks. Hang Seng finance sub-index fell 0.61%, Hang Seng utilities sub-index rose 0.91%, Hang Seng Commerce and industry sub-index rose 0.24%, the Hang Seng property sub-index rose 1.71%. Hang Seng China AH premium index rose 0.75% 108.8. Others:

