
tera gold long JI real estateConference fired again - VNB

129788443018906250_161Is still going their own ways, are still face serious. Where there's a ren Zhiqiang, forever "guns" Rumble.  Ren Zhiqiang was due to mine once burst out amazing language as "Cannon", and "throwing" event the public focus. As agents of real estate, serving Hua Yuan ren Zhiqiang, Chairman of listed real estate company in the spring of 2012 tera gold, long JI real estateConference fired again, he believed that high income earners have the condition to the market to buy commercial housing, and affordable housing or affordable housing for low-income people is to solve the housing problem.  When it comes to price trends of Changchun, three or four cities, is accelerated period of rapid development of urbanization will inevitably result in prices in this segment of the market will continue to rise. Keywords ・ highPrices easing monetary conditions and low interest rates are pushing "house prices rising too quickly, with the continuing shortage of market-related.  "Current prices, ren Zhiqiang said growth in supply of housing land supply system constraints, and easing of monetary conditions and low interest rates continued to encourage housing needs, this is the real driving force. Ren Zhiqiang's antidote for this problem is: Major input was the construction of real estate land, must gradually change the existing land policy and land supply situation.  In addition, residential acquisition asset acquisition, not problems with housing market fragmented, so only contrary to the basic rules of the market. Keywords ・ developers developers not money that is the case, "said developers had no money, that's because he developed over, Belong to the case.  "Yesterday, Ren Zhiqiang launch event keynote, for people's hot real estate developer" living situation "resolved, that the present market developer days were very good, are not nearly as hard to imagine from the outside world. In his view, the present situation, is much better than in 2008 at least, "people say that developers do not have the money, 2008 when our funds, investment ratio of about 1:1.32, by contrast is much better then now is probably 1:1.37 tera power leveling, developers of cash flow situation is not worse than in 2008. "Keyword ・ when conditions are not investment buy is fool" hand with $ 100, is a deposit or buy a House? "Ren ZhiqiangComing back to the present when the optimal time for example, $ 100 if you deposit 20 interest is more than more than 200, but if you buy a House, perhaps would rise more than more than 600, what's this? This is the optimal time. Or negative interest rates now, conditional does not do real estate investment is a fool. He expects the ageing occurs only in 2015 or 2020, so from nowDuring this period, trends in house prices would not fall. Keywords ・ property taxes have trouble nationwide on January 28, 2011, as the first city of Chongqing and Shanghai, started to levy property taxes. Over the past year, the tax policy effects in Chongqing have begun emerging tera gold, greatly reduces the investment groups, commodity structure of housing supply is optimizedResident housing consumer attitudes started to change.  Insiders said that the value of such practices nationwide, is the direction of market regulation. To this argument, ren Zhiqiang not substantiated, 2003 present the mechanisms regulating prices does not have any relationship. Property taxes are a form of Government rent, national promotion difficult. In fact, main reason for the price increasesIs the rent of land, developers raise prices is due to increased costs. Keywords ・ urbanization kept house prices have risen in price movements against Changchun and trends for the future development of the property market, ren Zhiqiang also expressed his views, from the international comparison view, urbanization is lower than 30%, slow growth, but urbanization above 30%, It will accelerate the development period, when this process all the way to urbanization of 70% or more, can be slow. In other words, urbanization and the prices have risen. "Urbanization rate in cities is close to 59%, have entered a stable stage, and second-tier cities, only 48%, lower than the national averages of the current rate of urbanization, worse three or four cities justEntering 29% 's urbanization rate, there is space for development.  "He said that urbanization rate lower when demand for housing people dominate, so for three or four tier cities are in the growth acceleration period, prices will continue to rise. Keywords ・ dialog micro-blogging is not a good advertising channel in the active site, journalist with Ren Zhiqiang, a short dialogue。  Reporter: Mr Yam, on you now "retired" rumors are often outgoing, the fact is this you?  Ren Zhiqiang: so, now apart from far outside of the play real estate listing company Chairman in China, there is no other, and that's it. Reporter: some people say that you are "controlled micro-Bo", when you sit in the guest gallery, still playing mobile phones, is in the micro-Bo do? You think that micro-Bo is a good marketing vehicle?  Ren Zhiqiang: well, Twitter often, but their view, Twitter is not a good advertising channel.  Reporter: Changchun property market trend of the future, is there a more specific study? Ren Zhiqiang: new projects this year may not be reduced, but on the whole, with the affordable housing have been completed, the proportion will increase, Was an increase in sales than last year, but short term, and guarantee quality of commercial house price changes may exist. Keywords ・ Chen Huai: the property market regulation policies are "the strongest in the history" argument is a misunderstanding yesterday, famous economist Chen Huai to lecture there. He said that a lot of people believe that the current property market regulation policies are "history of the most strictLi ' ", this is a misunderstanding, and now real estate most policy or monetary policy, negative interest rates is the main reason. At the same time, Chen Huai Chinese property market trend also gave predictions for the future. In his view, the 20-30 years in the future, China's real estate industry will be brilliant, and this boom is continuous, the Conservancy does not appear too similar to the southern cities of speculative, So you can assert, demand there is a demand in the market. In the premise of this judgment is that urbanization in China is the world's most populous areas, is the most buoyant housing demand and wealth of the country, housing construction speed and size too. Trainee journalist Luan Xiliang Others:

