
tera gold an increase of 61% - HBR

129788454842812500_66Google's first-quarter net profit increased $ 2.89 billion up 61%_ NetEase science and technology NetEase tech news on April 13, as of March 31, 2012, Google today announced its first quarter results. According to Google's revenues of $ 10.65 billion a quarter, an increase of 24%; reported net income of $ 2.89 billion, an increase of 61%;-in diluted earnings per share of $ 8.75, an increase of 59%. The first quarterFinancial highlights for the first quarter ended March 31, 2012, Google achieved revenues of $ 10.65 billion, an increase of 24%. Google revenues are based on United States General accounting standards (GAAP) calculated without deducting traffic acquisition costs (TAC). In the first quarter of 2012, TAC totaled $ 2.51 billion, accounted for 25% of advertising revenues.· Google first quarter GAAP operating income of $ 3.39 billion in 2012, operating margin of 32%. $ 2.3 billion in the same period last year tera power leveling, operating margin of 27%. Non-United States GAAP (Non-GAAP), Google's first quarter operating income of $ 3.94 billion in 2012, operating margin of 37%. Go toYear amounted to us $ 3.23 billion in the same period, operating margin 38%. · Google first quarter GAAP net income of $ 2.89 billion in 2012, diluted outstanding shares for 330 million shares for $ 1.8 billion in the same period last year, can be diluted shares to 326 million shares. Non-United States GAAP (Non-GAAP), Google 2012First-quarter net income of $ 3.33 billion, US $ 2.64 billion in the same period last year. · 2012 Google first quarter GAAP diluted earnings per share of $ 8.75, last year amounted to us $ 5.51. Non-United States GAAP (Non-GAAP), Google's 2012 first-quarter diluted earnings per share of 10.08 beautyYuan, compared to 8.08 m. · Google Non-GAAP operating Non-GAAP operating margin and profit are not included with stock compensation (SBC)-related costs. Non-GAAP earnings per share is not included and costs related to the SBC and tax incentives. The first quarter of 2012, costs associated with SBC at $ 556 million,$ 432 million over the same period last year. Related to SBC tax: US $ 118 million, $ 92 million in the same period last year. Main financial data of the first quarter revenues: first reported revenues of us $ 10.65 billion in 2012, $ 8.58 billion over the same period last year, an increase of 24%. Google reported revenues of cost without deducting TAC. ValleyWebsite revenue: 2012 first-quarter revenues of USD 7.31 billion from Google's Web site, 69% per cent of total revenue; $ 5.88 billion in the same period last year, an increase of 24%. Google network revenues: 2012 income from Google's partner websites in the first quarter to $ 2.91 billion, 27% per cent of total revenues, over the same period last year to 2$ 430 million, an increase of 20%. International income from United States outside income as $ 5.77 billion tera power leveling, 54% per cent of total revenues, in the previous quarter and the same period last year the ratio and 53%, respectively. Excluding foreign exchange risk management program-related revenue, fell by us $ 201 million. Excluding foreign exchange risk management-related income, 2012Google in the first quarter from the same year United States outside of the revenue from the increase of us $ 79 million; an increase of $ 67 million. Of which: · from United Kingdom revenue of us $ 1.15 billion, total revenue of 11%, per cent over the same period last year to 11%. · 2012 first quarter revenues of US $ 37 million of foreign exchange risk management program, over the same period last yearUS $ 14 million. Paid clicks: the number of paid clicks accrued, and network partner sites including Google's Web site hits, an increase of about 39%, rose to about 7%. Price per click: average price per click, including Google's Web sites and network partner Web site hits, fell by about 12%, fell to about 6%. Traffic acquisition costs (tAC): is Google partner share revenue traffic acquisition costs, increased to $ 2.51 billion in the first quarter, to $ 2.04 billion in the same period last year. TAC in share of ad revenue to 25%, 25% for the same period last year. Most of TAC and ultimately revenue paid to network partners, first quarter of 2012 that part of their income to 20.US $ 400 million. TAC also includes the final payments to distribution partners and other Web sites drive traffic directly to Google the company's revenues in 2012, the revenues of us $ 468 million in the first quarter. Other operating costs: other operating costs, mainly data center operational expenses, amortization of intangible assets, content acquisition costs and credit card processing fees, which number 2012 first-quarter growth to $ 1.28 billion, 12% per cent of total revenues, respectively in the same period last year to 897 million dollars and 10%. Operating expenses: operating expenses are expenses except for operating costs, 2012 to $ 3.47 billion in the first quarter, total revenues 33%; respectively over the same period last year to $ 3.34 billion and. Stock compensation(SBC): 2012 stock compensation expenses in the first quarter to $ 556 million, $ 432 million in the same period last year. Operating profits: first quarter GAAP operating income of $ 3.39 billion in 2012, operating margin of 32%. Respectively US $ 2.3 billion in the same period last year, and 27%. The first quarter of 2012 Non-GAAPOperating income of $ 3.94 billion, operating margin of 37%. Respectively US $ 3.23 billion in the same period last year and 38%. Net interest and other income: net interest and other income increased to $ 1.56 billion, amounted to us $ 96 million in the same period last year. Income tax: 2012 first-quarter effective tax rate is 18%. Net profits: first quarter of 2012GAAP net income of $ 2.89 billion, $ 1.8 billion in the same period last year. Non-GAAP net income of us $ 3.33 billion, US $ 2.64 billion in the same period last year. 2012 first quarter GAAP diluted earnings per share of $ 8.75, diluted outstanding shares for 330 million shares last year amounted to us $ 5.51, diluted flowUnit 326 million shares. 2012 Non-GAAP in the first quarter diluted earnings per share $ 10.08, $ 8.08 per cent over the same period last year. Cash flows and capital expenditures: 2012 first-quarter operating net cash flow from operating activities amounted to us $ 3.69 billion, $ 3.17 billion in the same period last year. 2012 capital in the first quarter ofOut of us $ 607 million, mainly to investment in IT infrastructure, including data centers, servers, and network devices. Free cash flow, and other indicators to measure Non-GAAP liquidity refers to net operating cash flow minus capital expenditures. First quarter free cash flow of $ 3.09 billion in 2012. Cash: up to March 2012Today tera gold, cash, cash equivalents and marketable securities totaled $ 49.3 billion. Number of staff: as of March 31, 2012, Google official staff total of 33,077 people worldwide, as of December 31, 2011 at 32,467. 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