
tera power leveling 000 for 3 consecutive months. This - OLX

129777332275625000_283While the residential turnover in March Beijing ushered in small early spring, but market remains quiet, Beijing in the first quarter, the average floor price at just $ 2,706 per square meter in this vigorous promotion of houses and some of the action that you want, in March Beijing property market trading volume significantly warmer, residential average price fell by 14% over the same period last year, rise prices fall the situation occurs. Housing enterprisesHave confidence in the future sales are beginning to pick up, evergrande real estate Chairman Xu jiayin 28th results briefing on that, after experiencing a December slump, 3 April sales will gradually pick up, housing prices are going Announces March sales results will prove the point. Sold per cent surge Beijing construction Committee data show,As of March 28, Beijing new homes agency Number Sets for 6,904, which exclude affordable housing volume 5 tera gold,998, is expected in the cases of the remaining 3 days, Beijing new residential Agency March month the amount is expected to reach 8,000 per cent increase of 45.09% per cent in February, last year increase of 39.3% per cent in March, But still less than the same period in 2010 10,103.����March up to the present, Beijing housing price is $ 18,750 per square metre, compared to $ 21,788 per square metre of the first quarter of 2011 by 14%, the average price has hovered at around 18,000 for 3 consecutive months. This, analysts say, volume recovery makes the currentCharacteristics of bottom of the market has been evolving, lowering project has changed to turnover at current prices, so the project has been cut again lower prices is unlikely.����In the case of policies is already at the bottom, some just need to have been around for a relatively high price, buyers can already consider you want into the stock market. In addition, from the overall market view, market priceSo continue to price space control policy enforcement is still very large, no reduction before the project could usher in a motion tween drop process.����Inventory pressure Beijing property market March ushered in a wave of small early spring, but seen from the inventory, enterprises facing selling pressure remains unabated. Beijing construction Committee recently released news that on the city's new commercial housingA comprehensive cleanup keep, clear the invalid 33,000 houses have long backlogs forming in order to accurately reflect the actual listing information available, buy selected rooms provide a valid reference for the residents.����After the cleanup, currently before the housing available in the city of 124,000 reduced from 91,000 units. In this regard, universal point of view is in the industry, both the 124,000 was 91,000 unitsBeijing commercial housing inventory pressure has not changed. Judging from the current inventory, inventory from 5-6 Central occupies absolute main city, than at 51.36%, before adjusting the ratio is about 48%. Inventory and transactions match transactions for the year 2011, 5-6 ring sold the city sold for 55.2%, 6 sold outside of the ring than 18.6%. Statistics also show that current market stocks of large scale more 3 bedroom apartment above a 53.9% reach turnover percentage is less than 50%.����Large scale projects are likely to continue to lower prices in return for volume. Beijing Zhongyuan market research director Zhang Dawei stated that, in accordance with the deadline a few days ago in BeijingHousing Agency, numerical calculation of consumption current inventory with a quarter, will take 24 months; according to March turnover calculation, you need 15 months, which means that according to the current market conditions, consumes 91,000 units in stock for at least 15 months. Inventory consumption than most areas of Tongzhou, shunyi, Fengtai, Fangshan, respectively. And now Beijing slashingProject basically is concentrated in a few regions. Average value tera gold, cut thousands of high stocks further weighed on the market.����Because developers serious backlog inventory, sales are still at the bottom of the case, the developer, there is passion. Beijing statistics show the market research Department of the Central Plains, 2012 Beijing together selling land on 45 cases in the first quarter, total building area 3573 tera power leveling,700 square meters, total rent 9.67 billion, average value, only 2,706 Yuan/square meter.����March 9 blocks of transfer, land transfer payment together 3.257 billion, less than per cent in February. Overall, the land of gold up sharply in the first quarter of 39.3% in Beijing, floor price was down nearly thousand Yuan on average, per centUp to 25.8%. At the same time, Beijing 45 blocks all quarter of 2012 at upset prices invoiced, bid count is zero.����That's Beijing since the beginning of 2010, land transfer payment less than the billions of dollars in the first quarter. For land market cold, many people in the room and enterprise, now part of the land of the reserve prices are still high, combined with the effects of regulation, local governmentHouse cannot adjust land prices, enthusiasm of the developer is hard to take. Others:

