
tera power leveling is a way to do emergency work. "He said - GSR

129770966731718750_91"I had 50 years of nuclear research and management work, we have never lost one gram of important nuclear material, it is to be subject to legal sanctions. Only with this one, you will know what China's nuclear security is a level! "Li Tingting/Outlook news weekly journalist of the hot spring interns as the second global nuclear security Summit approaches, nuclear safety issues into international mediaA hot topic of concern. Will take place March 26 ~ in Korea capital Seoul Summit theme "security of nuclear material and nuclear facilities". China nuclear industry Corporation General Secretary Zhang Guobin of the CST noted that the topic of this Summit and first nuclear Summit in Washington two years ago, can be traced to, but focused more on the security of nuclear material and nuclear facilities, whichIs the core issue of nuclear safety. Chinese President Hu Jintao and leaders or representatives in more than 50 countries, as well as the United Nations, International Atomic Energy Agency and other international bodies to attend the Seoul Summit. , Director of the China Institute of international studies, evaluation of Qu Xing said that, in contemporary foreign policy more and more towards the overall today, this also shows that the nuclear safety issues of importance in International AffairsSexual. "One gram of lost, one of the many" on March 22, told the Outlook news weekly reporter Zhang Guobin, early in 1987, the State Council issued the People's Republic of China Ordinance on nuclear material control, formulated the following regulations, expressly provides for implementation of the permit system for nuclear materials. Zhang Guobin stressed that the management of nuclear materials and nuclear facilities "Step one license "level. He had carding existing nuclear-related administrative licensing system, as many as 73. Deputy Director of the China Research Institute of Atomic Energy of the Liu Daming explained that 80 nuclear material control regulations issued in the last century, because China's nuclear industry military-dominated before, after the reform and opening up, nuclear industry, particularly with international standards in the field of nuclear power to absorbForeign advanced management experience, in particular the International Atomic Energy Agency in advanced experience in the management of nuclear materials. "It also makes nuclear security in China's legal system construction with ' advantage '. "Zhu Xuhui, a researcher at China's nuclear industry groups further pointed out that, because China's nuclear safety regulations developed slightly later than the United States, many standard than the United States to strictly. Nuclear materials and nuclear basedEffects of specific measures of security, Zhu Xuhui told our reporter: "main article: physical protection, accounting and control, development of new technologies. "Physical protection, an important nuclear materials is carried out by the armed police security, said Zhu Xuhui, such a high level of security in the world is also a minority. "I had so many years of research and management work, important nuclear material in which,Don't know at all. "In terms of accounting and control, special nuclear material control Office in China, is responsible for the national nuclear materials management, thorough accounting of nuclear materials, the establishment of effective national, facility for nuclear material accountancy and control system. According to this system, nuclear facilities according to the production process is divided into a number of different material balance areas, nuclear material to a certain period, set up the necessaryMonitoring points, accounting for testing, the data from the previous procedures process to the next delivery, supervision and reporting, integration is the nuclear material inventory change reports, to be regularly reported to the appropriate authorities. If the error, errors of assessment, analysis. "After such a formation of accounting for and control of nuclear material details, accounts are very clear. "Zhang GuobinSaid. He pointed out that, from the effects view, can say that development in China for more than 50 years of nuclear industry important nuclear material can do "one gram of lost, a lot." Some foreign counterparts about the security of nuclear materials and facilities in China to ask questions, Zhu Xuhui often said: "I had 50 years of nuclear research and management work, we have never lost one gram of important nuclear material, it is subject toLegal sanctions. Only with this one, you will know what China's nuclear security is a level! "In terms of developing new technologies, national nuclear security technology centre was established in China. Said Zhu Xuhui, China has a highly enriched uranium to low enriched research reactor technology of transforming ability and future construction in China and export all the reactors are of low concentration. This is our country to the worldNuclear security one of the most important contributions. Zhu Xuhui just visited the qinshan nuclear power plant, there are multiple certification, identification of security system advanced technology and equipment, such as to the left a very deep impression on him. Experts, in addition to the radioactive pollution prevention and Control Act, relevant departments of the Chinese Government had introduced the civil nuclear facilities regulations on safety supervision and management of nuclear materialsControl Ordinance and a series of administrative regulations to regulate the safe storage, transport and use of nuclear material. Lay the legal foundation of the experts interviewed noted that China is a permanent member of the UN Security Council, bears an important responsibility in promoting international nuclear safety. As a responsible big power, China has always strictly live up to their international obligations, in close coordination with States and international organizations,To promote safe development of nuclear energy. From the Washington Summit, China strengthen its nuclear security has done a lot of work on capacity-building, further to strengthen the relevant legal basis for nuclear security, promoting domestic and international nuclear security regulations and standards system construction. Liu Daming said: China is the Convention on nuclear safety, and that the States parties to the Convention on early notification of a nuclear accident, the safety of nuclear powerBasic safety standards published by International Atomic Energy Agency, with international standards. "As long as the implementation of new regulations and standards internationally tera power leveling, China's nuclear safety regulations and standards will also be modified accordingly to fit. "He said that the Chinese Government made clear" in ensuring the safe and efficient development of nuclear power on the basis of ". Last year, Japan after the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear accident, China not only systematicallyReview assesses the safe running of nuclear power, but also to nuclear power stations and other nuclear installations carried out a comprehensive assessment of the security situation. Introduction of Liu Daming, China establish a relatively perfect system of nuclear safety regulation and supervision, to take effective measures to ensure the security of nuclear materials and nuclear facilities, stringent export controls, according to the fight against illicit trafficking in nuclear materials. He said that China supports the strict implementation of existing nuclearSecurity international conventions and the relevant resolutions of the Security Council of the United Nations in the field. In 2008 tera gold, the national people's Congress approved the amendment to the Convention on the physical protection of nuclear material, China was second in the 5 nuclear-weapon States to ratify the amendment of the State. In 2011, China has actively participated in the consultation of the International Atomic Energy Agency's nuclear security action plan and to express their views. In addition, ChinaHas built a complete system of nuclear-related laws and regulations, the absence of the Atomic Energy Act has been incorporated into the State Council Legislative plan. "Security of nuclear material and nuclear facilities is one of the important content, legislative work has already been started a year, is still at the stage of continued investigation. "Zhang Guobin were drafted one of the experts of the working group. Two years, music stars have been observed in nuclear security in ChinaSurface of huge progress, he told up knew: "nuclear security standard improve, only batch three generations nuclear power plant, II generation strengthening type has does not batch has; second, nuclear security regulatory personnel expanded, from 300 people increased to 1000 people; third, national nuclear Security Council by a Division spread for three a Division; IV, Atomic Energy method, legal regulations of legislative work started; v, nuclear security culture constructionProgress. "Nuclear safety" global governance ", experts say China in strengthening international cooperation on nuclear safety, and raise the level of nuclear safety worldwide is always positive. In October 2011, China National Atomic Energy Agency and the International Atomic Energy Agency signed the cooperation arrangements for the construction of nuclear power plant safety, intends to rely on China's first "international training centre of the construction of nuclear power",In China over the past decades of accumulated experience and knowledge in the field of nuclear power construction of shared with the Member States of the International Atomic Energy Agency. Introduction of Liu Daming, in the area of bilateral cooperation, China and United States cooperation are actively implementing the Sino-US Summit in Washington established demonstration centre for nuclear safety projects. At present, in pushing the construction of the Centre. The Center mainly for the Asia-Pacific region developing talentTraining. He described Sino-US "low concentration of research reactor fuel" has also been carrying out active cooperation. Sino-US relations has signed a cooperation agreement, one of China's scientific research using micro-reactor implementation "of low concentration" transformation. According to the introduction, in response to rising world-wide loss and the risk of illicit trafficking in nuclear material, also a major port project was carried out in cooperation between China and America, on import and exportDetection of the container to prevent exports of nuclear material to non-normal reporting channels being exported to foreign countries. In the area of physical protection of nuclear material and nuclear facilities, China has conducted bilateral and multilateral international cooperation. China and other countries in the peaceful use of nuclear energy cooperation agreement signed, without exception and calls for the transfer of nuclear material under the appropriate physical protection as a national nuclear energyA necessary condition for cooperation. In addition, China and the United States and the International Atomic Energy Agency cooperation, nuclear security training courses were organized in the country. Since April 2010, total nearly 20 various levels of training courses and seminars, training nuclear security in China more than 500 employees, for the Asia-Pacific region in a dozen countries have trained nearly hundred nuclear security in China.Liu Daming, told reporters: "we have carried out a lot of cooperation and Exchange, topics covering how to create culture of nuclear security, threat to the analysis of the real world, what measures should be taken to prevent threats. "" The nuclear safety culture "new problems in February this year, Ministry of environmental protection of nuclear and radiation safety, nuclear safety, the Second Secretary overseeing the Second Secretary Wang Zhongtang published in mediaArticle on the strengthening of nuclear safety supervision to ensure that the safety of nuclear power development, mentioned in the text you want to adhere to and develop "serious tera power leveling, rigorous, questioning, conservative" nuclear safety culture, to music stars have left a very deep impression. Liu Daming said that culture comes from the nuclear safety culture of nuclear security, nuclear security culture in recent years in practical activities and a new conceptualization of nuclear security. Its significance is that people couldFully aware of the real threat of nuclear terrorism, recognizing that nuclear security work on economic development, the importance of national security, social stability, so as to enhance public awareness of consciously support and maintenance system of nuclear security. According to reports, the nuclear security culture and promote a higher level of education than the General, its elements including the intelligence analysis, legislative and regulatory system, information on threatsAwareness and assessment, to maintain the physical protection of nuclear material and nuclear facilities devoted the necessary human and financial support, reviews and regular training for employees and the establishment of related information security system and develop quality control plans and so on. Therefore, a culture of nuclear security is to maintain effective national nuclear security and enterprise systems of important measures. Experts point out that nuclear security culture in the past have, Just not this concept. The 90 's of the last century, East and the end of the cold war, the disintegration of the Soviet Union, loss of nuclear material, and to strengthen nuclear security culture, improving nuclear security awareness, and gradually become the consensus of the international community. Zhu Xuhui told correspondent, on the security of radioactive sources, problems of nuclear safety culture is prominent. "The relatively closed and with the nuclear industry in recent yearsMedia information conflict is closely related to the formation of smooth. "He pointed out, sometimes very large impact of asymmetric information. July 17, 2009, Kaifeng's Qi County, Kaifeng, Henan province "NPC fleeing", the cause is a rumor that Qi County, Kaifeng nuclear leaks. In fact, only a nuclear radiation irradiation device of high temperature smoke, and not onInfluence people's lives. Zhu Xuhui said: "we should learn from this incident, strengthen the promotion of nuclear safety culture. "Liu Daming further noted that most of the public is more mystery in the nuclear field. Past related to radioactive substances, nuclear, and hang hooks to the atomic bomb. In fact, radioactive applications in the application of nuclear technology is everywhere in our actual life,Applications including medical, food irradiation, nuclear power, and every thing we closely. But sometimes we are not aware of it. "(It) should have accurate public opinion. We don't want to happen, but when it does happen, there ain't no way, is a way to do emergency work. "He said," it should be spread to the public knowledge, the Consumer CouncilExcept for the misunderstanding and fear. Some question the transparency transparent to the public, but also should get it. "(Editors: Zhang Jun) Others:

