
tera power leveling the February coupon websites only 3 - UKR

129779332626406250_292010 Group buys into China, after more than a year after the rapid development of the time tera power leveling, quickly ushered in the reshuffle.   From August last year more than half a year's time, more than more than 1500 group buying site disappeared. According to the latest independent purchasing navigation site 800 published the China statistical report of February 2012 according to: February domesticGroup turnover is approximately $ 1.46 billion, increasing 8.1% than last month, China industry as a whole is still in constant "downsizing" stage, the February coupon websites only 3,626, peak is said to have five thousand or six thousand.   Sampling the monitor to 400 operations site: nearly half have been transformed to real class group. Since the beginning of this year tera gold, many group buyingSites are faced with financial difficulties. Bao has scene a moment of network, many stations due to lack of funds for abolition tera power leveling, amid rumours that the Jubilee of the CEO running, websites failing.   Fair network recently announced its withdrawal from the Group business, people in the industry think, group has entered the second reshuffle. 800 reports according to the February coupon Web sites continue to reduce the number, the numberNET 164 reduction than January, scaled to 3,626, compared to the height of five thousand or six thousand has now disappeared almost in half.   Experts predicted that in the coming quarter will have nearly thousands of coupon sites close or transformation test. In this regard, Group buys, 800 co-founder Hu Chen considered consumer experts, reduction in the number of Group buys site and the entire groupSize reduction will last for a long period of time, from the market capacity, two thousand or three thousand customers are still some redundancy; and the "slimming down the swelling" can be seen as its own metabolism. Coupon sites are the magic seek transformation. Handles network handle shop in February of this year's foreign on-line, 24 coupons has opened up "boutique Mall", WoWo was renamed to launch WoWo Centre, physical class of weapons development group. According to the 800 documents: some of the Group had given up the profit margins are too low local service group, will focus on migration to a real online shopping products. Others:

