
tera gold hanging out - HSJ

129774149457812500_74The scene of the accident. Report from (reporter Long Kun photo essay) yesterday about 4:20 P.M., gongye road, longhua plant occurs all of a sudden collapse of building demolition, a wall of the main beam is a digging machine under the pressure of the job, excavator driver died after being sent to hospital. Wall collapse down to dig at the site located in the water industry road, longhua street oldSurrounding villages, the water bucket near the bus station. Witnessed by this reporter at the scene, the building was a building are tearing down the old building, the workshop also pulled up a cordon around. Demolition, site area of about 50 meters wide and 20 meters, 5-storey building. Body workshops have all been removed, leaving only one wall to the West. Is the East side of the collapse of one wall, saw through the wall crack in a press conference, aGreat wall of the main beams directly on top of the excavator, excavator cabs complete Variant. Firefighters rescue, one of the firefighters were holding oxygen welding and cutting machines, in an attempt to pressure at the top of the excavator concrete wall cutting open. Excavators were completely flattened at the top, steel tube for several firefighters pry sheet metal packed Interior. Journalists see, drivingOne foot of the dew on the outside. In interviews, reporter learned that tera power leveling, in addition to the impact pressure excavator driver, there is a worker was slightly injured, the two brothers. Reporters at the scene saw the brother of hand injuries, are anxiously waiting. Digging machine driver to be buried according to an eyewitness describes, he was passing by when the site of the incident, see the excavator is the East end of the wallJob, when I heard a loud detonation, the whole wall collapse, the excavator even buried alive at the bottom with the driver. Because of the wall as a whole is too heavy, steel and concrete to cutting tera gold, rescue work progressed very slowly. 6:30, longhua emergency for a professional hook machine, with the relief effort. Around 7:25 P.M. yesterday, after nearlyAfter 2 hours of intense relief, pressure on the mining machine hooks for main girder of crane, excavator driver pulled out of the several firemen were buried. Drivers were on the sidelines waiting for the 120 ambulance then covered with white cloth, and onto the ambulance to the hospital. Owners appointed demolition yesterday evening at 10 o'clock, longhua Office reported that about March 26, longhuaOffice is located in the community of Pinus tabulaeformis area industrial water Lo Wai Tsuen Road old and a 6-storey industrial building owners to employ their own staff for dismantling process, building collapse of the accident tera power leveling, one collapsed building site jobs excavator CAB led driver (male, 22 years old, Wuxi, Chongqing people) were trapped and seriously injured. After about two hours of emergency rescueAid, fire fighters using large machinery is collapsed building cutting, hanging out, a rescued immediately carried on ambulances rushed to the hospital, invalid hospital deaths. Longhua offices are in conjunction with the relevant departments for further investigation on the cause of the accident, and arrange for staff to eliminate potential safety and comfort family members of the victims and other remedial work. () Others:

