
tera gold specifically to meet the residentsPurchase from ordinary commercial loan demand - TFL

129788443089062500_342On April 12, this paper from the real estate, banking and many other people in the industry that now cities part there were 85 percent first mortgage interest rate of commercial banks, but on the whole, remains at 90 percent or even benchmark interest rate levels. In the view of some people in the real estate industry, means that the policy of fine-tuning. First mortgage interest rates can come down to 80 percent or even 2009 is 70 percent, are still difficult to clear.  In the view of China real estate Association Secretary General Gu Yunchang, new changes did not appear while the macro-policy, regulation of commercial banks on first mortgage rates, is actually a fine tuning, the moderate easing in money supply, domestic and international economy under good conditions, prices can be "steady drop in". He further tablesAs shown in the beginning of 2012, followed by the economic situation allowed, "first set of preferential mortgage rates will continue or even lower discount, depending on market development. "For developers, a loan interest rate discount means that the market opportunities," developers are still required to price change.  "I love my Albert Vice President Hu Jinghui told Ming Pao said. Easing in the marketStimulating, on April 12, stocks, real estate stocks trends outperform.  First set of mortgage interest rates is loose: developers still need to change substantive loose went through a process of interest rates to lower interest rates. "After the Spring Festival begins, floating interest rates last year to the first suite of benchmark interest rate of 10% per cent loans tera power leveling, begin to cut," Central Plains real estateMarket research statistics just released by the Ministry, the current mainstream of first-tier cities such as Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen is, benchmark interest rate for the first suite of loan interest rate from February (first suite of 7.05%, secondary lending rate floating 10%) once again reduced to around 90 percent, a small number of banks can do 85 percent. Reporter queries found in Beijing areaCurrently the agricultural Bank of China, Bank, postal savings banks, investment banks, such as HSBC, Citibank can condition to carry out the first set of mortgage 85 percent discount.  In addition, the first suite of CCB's current interest rates may apply for a 90 percent discount, ICBC is a benchmark interest rate. Albert Hu Jinghui, Deputy Chief Executive of this newspaper that I love my home, 85 percent are against certain commercial banksMs customer, now more commonly is 90 percent.  Minsheng Bank Insider who not named told this newspaper, 85 percent is still not widespread, can do 85 percent dominated by State-owned banks and foreign banks, less domestic joint-stock Bank. Shenzhen Commercial Bank said meeting March regulators convened four persons, specifically to meet the residentsPurchase from ordinary commercial loan demand, encourages financial institutions and first set of products in the Central Bank's benchmark interest rate home loan lending rate between the lower limit, according to the borrower's financial position to balance price. These people say, end of February early March, as the market sold for pick up, Shenzhen, Beijing and other State-owned line suite of loan interest rates gradually to fallOn the formation of small and medium banks loan business "get customer" impact. "After all, liquidity lines and poor competitiveness of State-owned joint-stock banks, a loan can be regarded as high quality business, systemic risk is low.  "The person said. Some joint-stock banks are turning. Described above Bank insiders, Minsheng Bank is now largely done housing loanBusiness, but sold to the China postal savings bank.  That said, the Bank, its "little tiny" lending rates averaging is a highly 40%, profit margins far higher than a loan, and in the context of overall credit remains tight, powerful profitable joint-stock banks, would consider putting resources into more profitable areas of business. This relaxing first mortgage rates,Or directly associated with changes in the real economy.  Founder securities ((micro-blogging) analyst Tan Hui said, statistical data for the first two months of this year reveal risk of decline in the real economy. Taking into account the risk control, compared development loans, banks are more likely to relax is the first suite of loan. A large single senior developers told this newspaper, "development credit is tight this year, we gained someBut also to floating interest rate by more than 10% ".  Possibilities continue to cut the problem was, the difference of preference is it sustainable? First look at loan volume.  Bank credit in February according to the February $ 710.7 billion in new loans, $ 27.4 billion less than per cent in January, below market expectations. CentralOn April 12, the latest figures showed March at 1.01 trillion in new loans, hit 14-month high, consistent with market expectations.  Some commentators believe that this part is good for first mortgage information. From the year, foregoing Minsheng Bank who said, according to the rhythm of the credit 3:3:2:2 practices, credit for the year is expected to remainTight State. Followed by deposit and payment rates.  UBS chief economist at UBS said that in China, foreign exchange inflows remained weak due to March loans began to pick up, people's Bank of China may need to cut reserve rates in the single-day period in the future. This seems to have been some large developers guessed. In early March, at a performance in Hong Kong, Kong Qingping President expects overseas tera gold,Including deposit and payment of the rate cut, the first mortgage, relax, macro-control this year may be a fine tuning.  However, the executives agreed that lots of room and enterprise policy as a whole tone is still tight. "Cut the deposit rate of gold is released liquid, does not mean that easy credit. "Real estate (micro-blogging) Chairman Chen Jin-song, current major inflation, rather than unemployment, slower GDP pointsAccept, CPI up are in jeopardy.  M1 and directly linked to the CPI, credit will not be relaxed where. But Hu Jinghui said, banks have the right to independently determine the loan interest rate, "first suite 2012 year loan interest rate from 85 percent to 90 percent of the intervals should be OK. "Indeed, he estimated the economic soft landing and the housing stock in CanadaCases, home suite loan interest rates could drop 80 percent.  However, Nie Meisheng, President of China real estate Association believes that commercial banks risk and for their own interests, the first set of preferential mortgages sharply back to 70 percent less likely, down back 20% not. Prices wind "believe home suite loan interest rate incentives, would make the regulation required in ' dropPrice ' becomes more meaningful.  "Hu Jinghui said. According to centaline estimates, calculated on a set of 2 million real estate, loan of 1 million, nearly 400,000 in floating interest rate 10% interest, close to price around 20%.  The lowering of interest rates, that is, equivalent to a fall in house prices, coupled with the developers at a discount price, may have just come to the opportunity you want to increase. But someWould argue that the rebound is unlikely. Hu Jinghui said taking Beijing as an example, approximately 130,000 units of the housing stock, added 70 tera power leveling,000 are expected this year, coupled with Government subsidized housing 100,000 sets of second-hand housing 200,000 sets of worked up about 500,000 sets of housing supply.  From historical experience, Beijing approximately 200,000 people with housing needs of this year. Therefore, Hu JinghuiBelieve, preferential interest rates and does not alter the pattern of supply exceeding demand, prices will not rebound. Hu Jinghui, multiple cities in late February in the property market, "small spring" just after the Spring Festival ring, but in fact most of the city's housing market decline in turnover compared to the same period last year, such as Beijing property market turnover fell in the first quarter of 14.2%, since 2007 newLow. Moreover, this "small spring" market now seems to have dissipated.  Including overseas, China vanke, constant in large rooms, large and enterprise sales began to decline in late March, overseas sales in March fell by more than 30%. Hu Jinghui forecasts at present, Beijing on the market with the purchase of eligible "new man" of home demand can only be maintained by June, after market needsSeeking it'll be like recession, therefore, "developers are still required to be changed". For the developers, and fine tune means with every sale window period, "large stocks reversed developers continue to price cuts. "WIND information display, up to now, has published an annual report of 75 listed companies stock was up to trillions of dollars. Others:

