
tera power leveling decoct medicinal herbs - JAW

129770966859218750_432Girl Zhai Jianying suffered from perennial affliction nephropathy: a mother at the age of 5 tera gold, his parents divorced, sickly mother alone reacts to her parenting responsibilities. More than 10 years, suffering from nephropathy: a mother to do the hard work, can only rely on scavenging and friends or neighbors to help out to get by tera power leveling, perennial affliction mother simply biting the teeth for high school daughterGraduation. Day case, the daughter of Hebei University of Economics and business, get admission notice, before stating the pendulum to the mother of renal failure. Whether to go to college or serve seriously ill mother? Daughter eventually chose the latter. The daughter is the village of wanquan County home in Zhangjiakou Chang Runguo and Zhai Jianying. 1 "was broken, MOM is home" on March 19 at noon, reporterInto the small hospital located at the village of wanquan County home. Door is a thin girl handsome, white face insert with a clean pair of eyes, this is the protagonist of this article---Zhai Jianying. Followed the girl into the yard, thing that is piling up a few half a yard of rice straw, plastic wood, a small dog "barking" to call the following us. Deep in the courtyard of the twoHouse, compared with about his neighbor's House, was short and small. Into the home, a rundown of the double bed in the outhouse, ground stacked up against the wall with a bunch of carrots, probably is the smallest of the family sold the rest of the kind, also placed neatly in the corner of a dozen "large" cabbage, saying it is "Chinese cabbage" because of its scientific name, in fact, not much larger than baby cabbageLess, and leaves have been deep-fried in decay. Zhai Jianying with one hand with the door handles, shoulder on the other side of the road to inner cracks stained wood door, as the "Squeaky" "crash crash" sound, door opens, one of more than 50 years old women lay on the inner window Heatable Adobe sleeping platform. This is the mother of Zhai Jianying---Chang Run fruit. With two inner walls to the East with red paint Cabinet, Reporter remembers Grandma also had in the past, previous generations of people have no, stands above a cover up TV; the North stands a cupboard; West side has a water tank and a low little table. It's all Zhai Jianying family belongings. Two houses are shabby. Zhai Jianying told journalists on the roof, this was last summer, when the reconstruction of dilapidated building, village of, Of the past were paper paste, leaked and unventilated. "When parents divorce, father and House, the two rooms were later my mom buy, although broken, but MOM is home. "21 more of traditional Chinese medicine through several times while the House was broken and old, however Zhai Jianying mother and daughter have been living here for a dozen years. When reporters Zhai Jianying was to my mother friedMedicine. Reporters springing open, found only one drug, as the cut wheat stem. "Only a drug? "" Other drugs through rotten, I pick out of this medicine, hard, another drink. "So, because of financial hardship, Chang Runguo medicine is often eaten up not down, sometimes even chibushang drugs for more than a month. Zhai Jianying told reporters, mother and daughter were both withQuarterly low of $ 400 to get by, only each time you pick up your social security, she can give my mother bought several mothers must take the medicine. "A box of shenbao mixture slowly over more than 100 Yuan, can only take two days, really cannot afford to eat, has modified eating of traditional Chinese medicine, traditional Chinese medicine cheaper. Had a pair of medicine only eat one day, because no money, my mom stayed up a few times. "Next to the stove, boiling Zhai Jianying to motherSaid. With a bottle of Chang Runguo pain tablets, weakly said: "the pain not eat this, generally not willing to eat. "Chat with mother and daughter both reporters know, stacking firewood in the courtyard are Zhai Jianying door-to-door pick up to a day. Food reserves when she fall on the ground, buy someone else buy the rest of her low price buy back, also in the yard in the summer species orderWinter vegetable pickled reserves, "pickles and salty, so you can eat. "Chang Runguo lumbar discitis because of kidney failure, and lack of access to proper treatment, it rises every day hurt badly, was awake at night, Zhai Jianying to mother gently massage," great, MOM can't stand. "Every day, Zhai Jianying 6 points to get up. "No my mom uncomfortable IUp, give her some water, decoct medicinal herbs, made breakfast. "Eating rice, Zhai Jianying to gather firewood. "Holding a bag which is to, sometimes going very far, picker full, comes back down again, found the best corn on the cob, resistance burning. "Every winter, Zhai Jianying mother and daughter were anxious for the coal. "Too expensive, can't afford to buy, but mother afraid of cold, only a little bit of burning firewood, sometimesI went to pick up, decoct medicinal herbs is not fire, stayed up for more than an hour, filled as soon as possible without fire, not electrified. Village to the 800 pound mianer coal this year, but can only burn ordinary mess, cannot use the oven, still using firewood. Village last year gave more than 3 tera power leveling,000 dollars, for our family, this is already a very large sum, I plan to take,Keep for my mother to buy drugs. "3", I have to take care of my mother, "Zhai Jianying was 5 years, divorce, fathers away from their daughter away, families lost economic resources. From then on, her mother had a hard life. Chang Runguo suffer from coronary heart disease, high blood lipids, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, chronic kidney disease, not to the fields to do heavy work but at homeChicken, eke out a living. In 1998, the children of school age, Chang Runguo's condition began to increase, sometimes to hurt feelings and she bites his teeth trying to grin, medicine sparingly, to save money for their children to school. After school learned about her family situation, waive the tuition for her. Children in elementary school for five years, often run fruit keeps more than more than 10 chickens, not willing to eat aEggs, egg money to sell to buy books for children, from the teeth out of the money for the children in school. "I grew up illiterate, is eating no culture, so that the children of this generation, and I just don't eat or drink without treatment, also for children to go to school, children must not be allowed when the zhengyanxiazi. "Because the family did not source of Zhai Jianying severely malnourished, from small frail。 But the chicken alone is unable to sustain two people for life. Then, Chang Runguo began to pick up waste products. "In my mind, I often see his mother after school a person in the village to pick up plastic bottles and cardboard figure. At this time, I went on the run, help my mother to pick up things and take them home. When she grows up, I understand what the mother did this was in order toI went to school, mother of kindness, not finish when the sons and daughters of the reward for a lifetime. Again, I have to take care of my mother, she was able to feed me, I can feed her. "4 helpless qixue, serve seriously ill mother to pass the county secondary school, is a delight for many parents, for their daughter, how happy is not up. Three years of high school, at least more than 10,000Cost of money, how is that to be able to afford it? For tuition in the mother and daughter do nothing when Zhai Jianying foolproof middle school high school made an exception from all tuition fees. Has gone to college entrance examination in 2009 when mothers do not have back pain exacerbation of situations tells his daughter, afraid of her participation in the college entrance examination. Zhai Jianying did not live up to his mother's great expectations, she has made goodRecord. In the same year on August 20, the day, Zhai Jianying received admission notice of Hebei University of Economics and business. The same day, Chang Runguo was found in a hospital and kidney failure. Zhai Jianying hand holding a college admission notice, stating in one hand and his mother's kidney failure, torn between last---she chose the latter to give up schooling, serve seriously ill mother at home. Because of the mother's condition is increasing,Along with other sick, can only sit on baking at home with quilt. Not hospitalized take medicines more expensive, days are over tightening. "I tried to go out to work, but the people I do not like to hire me. "Mother care cannot be separated from the people, Zhai Jianying was looking for a job can both serve the mother's work, or at least MOM hot meals at noon. But because ofFurther away from the County, some units do not rest, Zhai Jianying had to give up work. "At least make some money, to buy MOM some medicine, but now I'm not even this capacity. "Zhai Jianying says with a choke. "Give up their studies do you regret it? "" How can I say, but very reluctant, I also know that our daughter was my study, so I have been trying to, But was unable to escape, rather than academic, there is more need I, so I gave up. "A step mother care cannot be separated from the people, Zhai Jianying was unable to get out of the yard, but she also want to feel forever locked in the small courtyard, she wanted to go. "This is something I understand, only at home with this live feed is not a long-term solution, I've borrowed a lot of money,About 10,000 yuan, is embarrassed and others mouths, I have hand foot, working, is now considering her mother's body, if you can find a closer job, to take care of MOM like sth "(Editor: Yu Xiwen) Others:

