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129773885471718750_1Due to poor health, Hu Lianyou often is ill in hospital. Zheng Hang said to normal prosecution of citizenship is to create the appearance of distancing the abuse of public power.   This newspaper's chief reporter Zhu Chun on July 12, 2010, Hu Lianyou was detention for non-normal appearing. Public Security Bureau long behind the farmers sued the petitioners of the law weekly Bureau Chief Zhu Chun/mapThis is has nothing to do two figure. 17 years ago, when Hu Lianyou was arrested for the first time, Zheng Hang is an ordinary civilian police, and in hundreds of kilometers of the same district as the.  2006 Hu Lianyou the first time that he was "false imprisonment" when appealing to a, Zheng Hang is Ningyuan County Public Security Bureau (micro-blogging) and Political Commissar. But the two of them are incredibly linked together, and peopleFocus topic of widespread concern.  Dongan County of Hunan Province Public Security Department Zheng Hang prosecuting 59 farmer Hu Lianyou, high frequency words now is an Internet search engine. On July 7, 2011, the Dongan County Public Security Bureau for "posting slander the reputation of others" by Hu Lianyou and Wei Aiguo (another appealing to people) two persons detained for 10 days. The same day, Zheng Hang, who had submitted to the CourtTwo criminal complaint, accusation of Hu, Wei duo defamation.  Hu Lianyou, since this is his Zheng Hang served as Secretary, "was arrested for appealing to the fifth", while Zheng Hang, that prosecution of Hu Lianyou, wanted to distancing himself suspected of abuse of public power. Mingaoguan is not uncommon tera gold, but the divisions are rare. A few days ago, legal weekly newspaper reporters in Changsha and Yongzhou, respectively, onEvents in the two parties face to face interviews, trying to unravel the many mysteries behind this hot event. 17 years ago, "illegal detention" on March 20, 2012, Hu Lianyou carrying a paper bag in front of reporters, his face worn. He gently placed a stack of neatly printed material out of the bag. It is clear that years of petitioning had made him intoFor the management of materials "experts"--careful, no mess. "These materials that my reason for appealing to all these years. "Hu Lianyou materials placed on the table in order to pass a one reporter. Dozens of copies of materials, the oldest is 1995 Dongan County report of electrocardiogram in a hospital, on November 7, 1995 disarmament Dongan County Public Security Bureau review permitsCertificate, and Hu Yonglong, Li Kuiquan, who proved to be "illegal detention" of forensic material. "In early 1995, before I reported the police's qingliang Cup in as Vice Mayor during, together with other misappropriation of village cadres of national disaster relief fund, resulting in retaliation. "Hu Lianyou," said on October 3, 1995, in the case I have no suspicion of any crime, Qingliang Cup did not produce any legal documents, seize me in front of the village clinic, and false imprisonment. "Hu Lianyou, the detained a total of 36 days," have I sustained multiple injuries, cure I sold the House and later as a private small enterprise of all machinery and equipment, all the fortune spent, owe more than 300,000 yuan in debt, a homeless, only in LengshuitanStreet begging.  "In April 2000, Hu Lianyou on suspicion of drug trafficking, was again Dongan County Public Security Bureau criminal arrests. For the first two times were arrested, Zheng Hang journalists is: in 1995, Hu Lianyou write Big-character poster, framed the local government misappropriation of relief, and led the impact government agencies do not know the truth of the masses, new born country fair police station sheltering it. During this period,A relative out of the traffic accident, no one to take care of. Public security organs lifted on his review.  "Second Hu Lianyou trafficking 48 grams of opium were seized, due to not meeting against standards (standards prescribed by law for 50 grams) were released." Hu Lianyou: "why detention normal appearing? "Zheng Hang told reporters that Hu Lianyou did not appeal the appeal,Until the "2007 national public security during the visit, Hu Lianyou appealing to the Hunan provincial public security, is reflected in the custody fight, compensation and the disposition of the case at that time police".  Discipline Inspection Commission was transferred to the provincial public security department in Yongzhou City Public Security Bureau, require coordinated processing. "At that time Secretary of the discipline Inspection Commission of the City Council and County Public Security Bureau understand the situation, and the processing opinion: ' taking into account the Hu LianyouFamily situation, financial compensation of $ 10,000, $ 4,000 in drug trafficking during the bail payment will be refunded. "Zheng Hang says, this programme was global does not agree that there was suspected of conniving at crime and mediation is not successful. "Near to the City Council for conciliation, Hu Lianyou wrote an interest income interview after suit agreement, County Council agreed with the City Council's programme implementation. ”"At this point, Hu Lianyou petition events end has three levels. Normally, he should not be appealing again. On August 12, 2008, Hu Lianyou petitioners. First of all is to make citing hardship in the County, the County did not meet his unreasonable demands. End of the provincial public Security Bureau for letters and calls not for new instructions, Hu Lianyou began to petition in Beijing. ”  “From 2008 until the end of 2011, Hu Lianyou irregular number of petitions up to more than more than 20 times. All countries have an important meeting or event, he will in-line portion of the petitioning group visit, every time I go to ask the Secretary, and came back to meet him in person County Public Security Bureau therefore takes more than 200,000 dollars a year. "Facts for himself Beijing petitioners, Hu LianyouDo not deny, but at times and is back on after, their differences. Hu Lianyou admitted that during the long Zheng Hang Ren County Public Security Bureau, himself has been to Beijing many times appearing, for the first time was in June 2011, East Anglia after police detained 10 days; after appealing in Beijing for the second time due to sudden illness, he returns to Changsha, "they want to me 10 days of detention";, "To Beijing, was brought to Beijing sent a Dongan County Public Security Bureau Hotel sth" "I'm a normal appearing, why are they detained me?  "Hu Lianyou still grudge. Zheng Hang: "not dealt with according to law is the misconduct" on June 13, 2010, Ningyuan County Public Security Bureau, Political Commissar Zheng Hang long transferring to Dongan County Public Security Bureau. After 10 days of June 23rd, the airlines Office Office Cheng, Hu Lianyou and Wei Aiguo suddenly on the door to enter.  Zheng Hang more described to reporters of the day. Hu Lianyou: "you are the Public Security Bureau long? "Zheng Hang:" I was, what did? "" After a few words, Hu Wei, who put forward their demands. Hu Lianyou made three demands, is to me testimonial, and second, to compensationLosses, three are to disposition of the civilian police. "Zheng Hang recalls," I know they are not too, so they say, if you really exist, I will deal with civilian police. "" If you do not solve, I will treat you like a predecessor. "Zheng Hang told reporters that Hu Lianyou said to him when he left. Two people went away, Zheng Hang police found information, would like to knowRoad, what do they do, police told him, who is posting on the Internet. "On June 24, 2010, the two of them got to Beijing, Beijing police registered around Zhongnanhai was admonished. Hu Lianyou was taken back, we offer 10 days of detention, by the end of 2011, Hu Lianyou police from Beijing by Dongan back on several occasions, as long asBeijing police registration sermon, we have been detained. "Zheng Hang, Hu Lianyou in 2011 appearing more than more than 10 times, but were detained only the number of times. "According to the relevant regulations of the State, three-level end of complaint, then to Tiananmen, Zhongnanhai, and petitions are illegal in the vicinity of the Embassy petitions, registered are to be admonished, and is admonished by registered non-By appealing to the parties, are to be detained. "" Do not handle according to the law, I was misconduct.  "Zheng Hang said. "Criminal private prosecution, just to create the appearance of distancing the use of public powers" Zheng Hang told a press conference, they usually only on the police intranet, on a few Internet, Hu Lianyou Forum post attacks, he did not know, "someone told me, I found that theNot only have their posts on the Forum tera power leveling, and in some news behind their posts, saying I involved the black nurse in black.  "Zheng Hang said, on July 7, 2011, top political Commissar Chen Yi Hu Lianyou, who to Dongan County Public Security Bureau's Office made a, Chen Yiqiang immediately reported, finally, Hu Lianyou and Wei Aiguo administrative detention for 10 days by law. Prior to this, Hu LianyouWhen it comes to details of the detained that day, presented to reporters a written decision of administrative detention tera gold, says detention reasons as "two people in many Web sites publish defamatory Zheng Hang, Chen Yiqiang two honorary posts", the penalty is based on the "People's Republic of China Public Security Administration Punishment Act, of 42nd article". "They are in administrative detention in police authorities act in accordance with the, For libel to prosecute them, it is our personal behavior.  "Zheng Hang so explained. "They can Maniang, says my black nurse involved black, goes beyond the bottom line for me. As a police, black nurse black is a serious criminal act in question. "Zheng Hang stressed that his identity with the ordinary citizen to sue, is aimed at putting aside the Public Security Bureau this identity, and distancing the abuse of public powerA behavior.  Zheng Hang claims to two points: first, in accordance with the criminal liability of Wei and Hu Lianyou patriotic; second, Hu Lianyou and Wei Aiguo public apology, clarifying, elimination of adverse impacts caused by their words and actions on the Internet. It is worth mentioning that, Hu Lianyou did not deny their own online behavior, but he argues that they are "reporting" Zheng Hang.On February 16, 2012, Zheng Hang Dongan County Court trial case of civilian police complaint of Hu Lianyou, Hu Lianyou did not appear. "I had already bought the ticket on February 15 to East Anglia, lawyers are also good, results fell ill prior to departure, in hospital transfusion. "Hu Lianyou said," knows to sit for five or six hours to get back, the doctor advised me not toGo to, for fear of too much for my body, so I did not participate in the hearing. "Hu Lianyou recalled that after February 7, received a summons from the Court, he accepted a law firm lawyer Luo a public legal aid. "The afternoon of 15th, I called the Dongan County people's Court trial supervision Chamber, saying he could not appear because of illness, asked whether the lawyer, the answer is no."Since Hu Weier people does not appear, the Court canceled. Court appeared in the suit of the next issue, Hu Lianyou, "said Zheng Hang long are public Security Bureau, I do not believe that the Court will be a fair trial, I request that the remote session, as long as is not within the scope of Yongzhou I appear. "The reporter has learned that after, Dongan County Court has yet to determine the specific dates of the next sessions. ToOn whether sitting in an area, there is also no relevant authorities give. Zheng Hang and hardened face what kind of outcomes between Hu Lianyou, the public is still waiting. Others:

