
tera gold to 1119 Yuan per square meter. Comments - TLC

129779332642968750_59On April 3 the Hong Kong stock market trader will 10.8% even read 1, euro-zone unemployment rate rose in August, Eurostat announced the latest unemployment figures, euro-zone unemployment rate in February on a monthly increase of 0.1% per cent, up to 17.13 million unemployed, representing an additional 1.48 million unemployed last year,People are worried.   The 17-nation eurozone had 8 consecutive monthly rise in the unemployment rate, equally appalling figures recorded in the last, dating back to May and June of 1997, but if the calculation of the euro was launched, this is a record high. 27 EU countries is not much, the unemployment rate for 10.2%, likewise increased by 0.1% unemployed personsAnnual 1.87 million increase, to 24.55 million; Spain and Greece respectively, and 23.6% becoming hit, Austria and the Netherlands did best of all, unemployment rates remain at 5%. Southern disaster youth job Explorer on the other hand, continued serious youth unemployment in the region, the overall number higher than 20%, Spain recorded a more than half-25Unemployed under the age, Portugal, and Belgium and Italy 3 figures are higher than 30%. Netherlands International Group (ING) Economist Martin van Vliet noted that, due to the economy of the southern European countries face structural problems, coupled with Government austerity measures implemented earlier, leading to unemployment is much higher than in other Member States, in addition to the area withinShadow on economic growth, has potential monetary policy of the European Central Bank introduced a new, more difficult. Comment: the growth of the European economy in increasingly difficult after the debt crisis, while the proximal part of the European Union and of the European Central Bank are hovered over how to save the frequency destruction of heart crisis between the countries, and to stimulate economic growth seems to be is not enough,International energy prices, inflation is naturally more pronounced, with the recession expected, enterprise development increasingly difficult, the unemployment rate is not high.   If you want to save the European economy, is also required from the most fundamental to economic development. 2, Li: first expansion of domestic demand by cities and towns of Vice Premier Li keqiang yesterday at the opening of the Boao Forum for AsiaSpeech stressed that China's economic fundamentals are good, has the conditions to maintain long-term stable and rapid economic development.   He said that expanding domestic demand will be the primary task of restructuring, and urbanization is the maximum potential of expanding domestic demand. Mr Li stressed that China's economic fundamentals are good, development has not changed, has the conditions to maintain long-term stable and rapid economic development. But in theIs still the largest developing countries, highlighting the structural contradictions, to capture the steady improvement in tone, with "stable growth, stable prices, and promote growth". Increased consumption of more than 100 people for the role of urbanization to expand domestic demand, Mr Li pointed out that urban population of just over last year 50%, 1% means that there are millions of people into the cityCity, National Bureau of statistics data showed greater consumption and investment demand in 2011, urban population accounted for 51.27% of the total population in the Mainland, for the first time more than the rural population.   "Twelve-Five" (from 2011 to 2015) made planning, rate of urbanization in the next 5 years to improve 4%. Mr Li stressed that speeding up the transformation of economic developmentChina's "Twelve-Five" main line of development.   Coordination of industrialization, urbanization and agricultural modernization, implementation of "three" simultaneously, is the essential path of modernization in China, is also going, adjusting the structure, strategic initiatives for expanding domestic demand, will help push China in the "Twelve-Five" period and long period maintained moderate economic growth. Li keqiang said China enlarging domestic demandIs carried out under the condition of opening up, internal and foreign-funded enterprises alike, is committed to creating a transparent tera gold, fair, predictable market competition environment and legal system, increase the intensity of intellectual property protection, and promote the common development of all enterprises to innovation transition in the. Comment: China's urbanization speed faster and faster in recent years, also abandoned cultivated land of faster and faster, of course, prices are constantlyRose. Promote domestic demand growth, expanding investment demand is to guarantee the financial soundness of a road. But relying on domestic demand growth is the consumer awareness of ordinary people, rely on the attractive prices, and consumer environment is relaxed, if they are not estimated high urbanization are not significant. Economy, the stock market like this, unattractive market will also beHave good performance. 3, HKEx: no frame system of private enterprises listed on the tide of risk performance out, set off to wash bin in the follow up waves of announcement of a new round of results, several great retrogression in the performance of the private enterprise unit or account is suspected, triggering waves after waves wash bin of private enterprises tide. The Hong Kong Stock Exchange (00388) listed, head of Dickens (Mark Dickens) indicate that, Will seriously follow up on individual cases, but do not think the quality of private enterprise has a system problem. Or is not an appropriate early-warning misconduct in question "clearly, (private stock) financial performance has deteriorated, two issues may be involved, whether the company has issued a profit warning earlier to warn the market, earlier and whether the financial statements of comprehensive and reliable, it has mislead the market."Dickens great retrogression in analysis of private enterprise unit performance issues may be involved, apart from outside the Hong Kong stock exchange, the SFC may also follow has been involved in acts of market misconduct such as insider dealing to follow up. Dickens interview summarizing performance recently revealed the problems of private enterprises, mainly for the delay in releasing results, the auditor is unable to obtain account information, the auditor resigns, as well as the financial performance out ofTurn for the worse.   But he believes that these problems does not necessarily mean that the company deliberately misled the market. Auditors question may not be the company misled "slowing growth in the Chinese market, the company may be facing economic pressure, pressure on margins will also be. "He means the resignation of an auditor or questioned the account, auditor professional of the year and may require increased professional check and makeQuestions relating to the provision of, is the recent problems of private enterprises of "good side". Comment: listed and not listed is not a private enterprise itself has the final say in private enterprises, regulators in the end, many enterprises in today's negative message, brought to market by more biased negative impact. How private enterprise listed increasing audit and control might be reflections on the regulatory agencies need, EnterpriseUltimately serve to market.   4, experts in China: nuclear power development trend of China's National Energy Advisory Committee of experts of the Commission, Mr Zhang Guobao, Boao Forum for Asia Annual Conference 2012 "energy/resources: dialogue of both supply and demand," said at the Forum, select nuclear power development in China is an inevitable trend. According to the Xinhua News Agency reportedRoad, Zhang said, China is to adjust the energy structure, and must be in a secure development in the context of nuclear power. Fukushima nuclear accident, Chinese security check for running nuclear power plants, nuclear power station under construction at the same time to check if there is a security risk. "The two checks are now done, should check the results say we are safe. "Zhang GuoliBao also said, it is estimated that this year, international oil prices will not rise too quickly. Comment: the speed of China's economic development in the last 30 years is rapidly and significantly slowed development will not occur in the future. In economic leap forward period, demand for energy is high, and in the face of limited conventional energy, the restriction of the naturally more obvious. Development of new energy sources like nuclear powerIndustry is a necessary phase in the history of China's economic development.   Therefore, new energy shares also merits our attention.   5 built in middle, manufacturing to accelerate New York United States manufacturing growth accelerated, after stocks surge on the 12%, built in middle on the first trading day in the second quarter. US stocks fell on the narrow, has declined slightly, but inData recovery after the announcement, the Dow Jones industrial average rose 67.74 in the Middle, 13279.78; p 500 rose 11.66 1420.13; Nast rose 25.01, 3116.58. Oil rose sharply in New York oil prices in the United States rose sharply after manufacturing data released, New York oil l99 US cents, at $ 104.01; Brent oil rose $ 1.37, at $ 124.25. The Institute for supply management (ISM) announces that United States March factory index rose from 52.4 to 53.4, higher than Analyst estimates of 53, reflect United States manufacturing without the impact of slower global growth. The production index rose to 58.3, threeMonths, the employment index rose to 56.1, is since June last year.   But construction spending recorded biggest drop in seven months, the Commerce Department said that February construction spending fell 1.1%, analysts had expected to rise 0.6%; private construction spending fell 0.8%, public construction spending declined by 1.7%. Comment: United States economic growthStatus is good, in addition to the weak economic recovery in the housing market, and other aspects of performance is good. But we also cannot be taken lightly, after all, the current United States economic growth and stability cannot be used to describe these economic data show the results are still has some limitations, together with elections approaching, the Obama administration will not let economic performanceToo bad. 6, land transactions in the first quarter by quarter, falling by more than 30% with the continuous deepening of Central Government control on the real estate market, pushing governments around the care. The first quarter of this year, the national land supply significantly slowing trend of the market, developers wishing to low case, overall volume and turnover decreased by more than 30% of land launched, larger decline in residential land。   Land market in the first quarter was still "price era". Middle finger release land market intelligence in 300 cities across the country in the first quarter of this year, has launched the 7,052 complaints in the first quarter of this year, quarterly fall near 40%, launched the land area from the fall 39%. More decline in residential land, 2,131 of residential land to be issued during the first quarter, the quarterly 47% reduction, also reduced33% less. Under the influence of traditional new year holiday and falling prices are expected, Developer's wish is not high, a quarter of the national pattern of land market turnover remains low. Residential land sold only in 1534, quarterly and annual plunge more than 40%. Contract area of 69.21 million square meters, the quarterly and annual and 43% respectively. Despite the March HousePrices increased slightly, but the price is still low in recent years. March housing contract floor average price per square metre for up to 1291 Yuan (RMB.   The same below), but the overall average price for the year in the first quarter and for the year decreased to 12%, to 1119 Yuan per square meter. Comments: in a harsh market regulation policy under the pressure of the Central, low performance of the property market in the MainlandFan. Rise of land prices seemed to be your ultimate source of property prices tera power leveling, should the Government from land, after the price down tera gold, where high prices do not go up. Property market weakness in the stock market effects are obvious, constraints on economic growth more trying to suppress only the conflicts from intensifying, how to solve is the key. Others:

