
wot power leveling near CITIC Plaza in Guangzhou - IKX

129756500981250000_8Distance of 3.15 consumer protection day in 10 days time, Hang Seng Bank customer to become the region banner complaints concern hot spots. March 5, 8, near CITIC Plaza in Guangzhou, a number of white-collar work witnessed such a scene, there's about seven or eight people, holding high the banner of "give me back my money", the recording Horn keepsRepeat with Hang Seng Bank Finance and investment fraud. "Colleagues speculated that this person will be risky to buy a financial product wiped out the heart anger" wot power leveling, "Hang Seng Bank finance capital not less, yes no song to speak clearly, but you want to look good for himself on the streets shouting Gan, there must be a reason" and "stable money lie to lie to you step by step" sth Speculation on the matter continue, with the Hang Seng BankPR head of Guangzhou explains that the customer disputes with banks in financial products issues, currently the Bank has contacted the parties on related issues, and in a State of communication, specific information will be our first notification. In fact, investment news reporter found that customer complaints focus "steady step by step" products becoming Hang Seng customer dissatisfaction with the object, and finallyOnly get back to the 90% capital. ����For some of the customers of the risk bearing capacity is not strong, when purchasing such products themselves risk detection. ����Sales officer arrested for deceiving customers "stable money lie to lie to you step by step" an unexpected complaint, the building of Guangzhou's bustling noise. Citic Tower of several white-collar told investment news reporter, Around March 5 wot power leveling, forest West MTR Exit d and gathered a group of people, was holding a horn, up the flagpole, also pulled up around several banners. According to Zhou recalls saying, at that time on the banner says "Hang Seng Bank money making cruel", "Hang Seng unscrupulous, the crook Bank", "I also sweat" words. It is learnt that some gossip person runs to onlookers, the parties areA middle-aged women and middle-aged men, women chanted, while men older, face some serious. ����After 8:30, on Twitter have been forwarded to the situation. "Probably after a few minutes, police will arise, take them away", Zhou said CITIC QQ Group everyone is passing on the grapevine. "Lost is about finance and investment products, may also beLose big. ����"While talking on the group, but unable to verify how much lost. For customer sales officer arrested for deception and the customer said "stable money lie to lie to you step by step", said Hang Seng Bank lobbyists are Miss consulting, clients can communicate with an open approach and the Hang Seng. "We are in communication with customers," she said, only informationAfter the operation, we have further information disclosure. ����At press time, no reporters interview outline reply to miss. Speculation still continues. Sensitive white collar made of each of the three core issues, as a foreign financial customer, customer capital threshold to high? Customer loss, surfaced only shout out, before the two sidesCommunication? ����And most importantly the suspicion is that banking staff if there is a cheat? "Steady step by step" part of 90% early redemption or a total loss of capital preservation fund investment news reporter was informed that "steady step by step" is one of the Hang Seng Bank Finance brand, in fact belong to the "superior" financial accounts enjoy wealth management products. According to the Hang Seng BankRequirements at Headquarters, more than 300,000 yuan total account balance required to achieve equivalent before you open "superior" account. ����According to the Hang Seng results display in mid-February, 2011 personal banking customers an increase in the number of Hang Seng China 21%, prestige banking customer number 26%. Hang Seng China's official website on "steady step by step" series of part of the capital guaranteed investment products described as "Investment time is short, with the eye before you have access to the return on investment; decreasing acceleration trigger-step by step, acceleration opportunity step by step increments; revenue each quarter, double reward. " For the branded products, State-run risk of further instructions in the Hang Seng, "this product is the most unfavorable investments and investment results, held to maturity, onlyRetrieve the protected part of the principal amount invested wot power leveling, and has not generated any revenue. When the products to the foreign currency investments, investors should note that the exchange rate risk ". In accordance with their instructions, if the investment return is zero, investors to come back to the 90% capital, and once investors early termination products, recover the amount may be lower than the investors initial investment of the principal amount invested, and may even lose allPrincipal amount invested. In fact, investment news reporters access information was informed that has four similar products in 2011, with the Hang Seng China failed to make the expected annual earnings, customers only to recover 90% capital. According to a product based on the latest sales, hook it up China Petroleum (601,857), China Shenhua Energy (601,088), industrial and commercial bank (601398) three Hong Kong stocks, observations on a four-period, potential returns for each 2.5% (about 10% per annum). According to requirements, four lower trigger levels for the initial shares of the stock of 60%, phase I due to trigger early stock price for the initial shares of 100%, the second phase of 98%, third-period of 96%, phase fourth.

