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129742915542656250_335China's first brand of luxury Star River [news type price reviews] launched the "Star River old jam-" targeted 60 billion netizens ridicule, will have branches in the future [US News] cigarettes, poly [US News] condoms, Sunshine [news type price reviews]100 ham Xin real estate company General Manager Cheng XunyiHunan real estate marketing director Liu Liqun Ning China we discuss the hottest topics in the industry, we are concerned about the freshest market dynamics, we use the ridicule of the language, to create fresh, humorous, professional "market Apple Pie [latest news comments on the price type]". Weekly topics, three experts, posture, opens the box. Hope readers enjoy this taste,Also love our little fresh. Out of the House, upscale liquor hoard as a rare commodity. While Star River yet not become the agent of moutai, but its showing "Star River old jam-" brand of liquor. According to a person close to the boss Huang Wenzi, Star River Liquor sales in the coming years to 60 billion yuan, Deputy Director Liang Shangyan take, old and starting to original owners. ThisUsers also raised discussions, as well as some netizens joked: this is example of real estate enterprise planning cross-border restructuring warhammer gold, are of epoch-making significance, vanke cigarettes later, introduction to Sun 100[the latest news] ham tsw gold, poly condomsNever waver in upholding the regulation remonstrations shouting out, began to make some developers another way out, and several years before a large number of enterprises have flocked into the very different from the real estate industry, but is obviously more rational. Their transformation or "and" not successful? We cannot predict, but at least it was a bold attempt and change, and opportunities is often in the midst of change.First the property of Apple Pie, we invited Xin real estate company General Manager Cheng Xunyi, Shenzhen investment planning Chairman Peng Yuancai Bopp, Hunan real estate marketing director Liu Liqun Ning China talked about developers transition effects on the development of the property market. Three Xiang City newspaper: in the past few years, because the hot real estate market, real estate with many companies in transition, and now the market is inRegulation, upscale liquor hoard as a rare commodity, developer of Star River decided to enter the liquor-making industry, how do you think the real estate enterprises in transition? Cheng Xunyi: the fundamental purpose of the enterprise is profitable, real estate enterprise restructuring and transformation of other companies there is no essential difference, is the normal operation of the enterprise under the condition of market economy. Believe that with the deepening of the regulation, there will be more and moreReal estate business transformation. Peng Yuan: in China, the high-end liquor market is a special market. Because the wine culture thousands of years of sedimentation, have unlimited development of liquor market. Star River's clients are mostly high-end customers, spending power than the strong, for Star River provides high-end consumer goods of a certain degree of demand and purchasing power, industrial chain on the enterprise will be aA valid extension. Liu Liqun: this is the market, large capital in China under conditions of association with the transfer policy to develop industry, part of the real estate business transformation with the State macro-control of deep-level requirements, developing countries need capital to promote the real economy to growth. With the deepening of the regulation, real estate will be a new round of shuffling and consolidation will alsoMore corporate money into real industry. Three Xiang City newspaper: in the real estate industry, is also a lot of complex cross-border enterprise, doing good also a few, you think of a cross-border real estate what is the most important factor? Cheng Xunyi: money, talent, channels, customers, brands, this is a cross-sector real estate of the most important factors. Mr PANG Chun-hoiFar: enterprises are only two purposes, one is to create benefits for shareholders, one is for capital looking for the best investment. Star River developers suddenly declared a liquor-making industry star wars the gold republic credits, is the result of the investigation and for a long time in the making, not overnight. The success key to see if we can build a professional team, consolidating distribution channels, brand launched in line with market demand. LiuState groups: is the management and capital operation. Three Xiang city newspapers: a real estate company started to do other industries in transition, will experience some pain and does not fit, how to better and faster through this transition period? Cheng Xunyi: know thyself, know their situation, also on the market, competitors, marketing channels, customers, brands, industry planningImportant factors such as research, at the same time creating a skilled professional team on the road. Peng Yuan: the transition will inevitably experience pain and does not fit, each company has its own particular circumstances, in ensuring stability on the basis of the development of the real estate industry, developed for industry, it is the need of the market, is that the enterprises need. Control the ups and downs, some companies go through thisTransition period, mainly looking for prospective investment directions, pinpoint positioning in the market. Liu Liqun: before the transition to conduct more market research data analysis, feasibility analysis and future market expectations; building a professional team with experience in senior management; has a good frame of mind to face the success or failure of the enterprise, rapid response strategies to actively face the market make quick and accurate decisions. LinksSecret side energy industry real estate barons Additionally: over more than 20 real estate companies announced its energy industry, accounted for one-sixth of the total number. One of the most generous country garden, the Green Group. Invest in football: Wanda group to return to football, named in the Super League, sponsors youth football players go abroad. Evergrande real estate, f properties, Henan jianye, Hangzhou Greentown,Shandong Luneng, Yatai group investment involved in the football industry. Invest in film: Wanda cinema group not only investment, but began to toupai the film, such as the 2012 release of new year celebration films the intimate enemy. Evergrande real estate group toupai movie the brave turned the game for the first time.

