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129756500993750000_44Abstract: when you visit the Barcelona Olympic Games venue, tour against said: "there is nothing extraordinary, were stolen by fathers!" Their ancestors from the colonies to steal a lot of money. Midst of the Volt, and riches corrupt both the social mores and aggravating polarization, hinder the development of industry and agriculture, the national industry of hollow.Rejection of Franco "Spain exceptionalism", we should research study on the other major countries in Europe like Spain history.   I've been trying to figure out, Portugal is too small and no matter, Spain to old superpower background, why didn't you can enter "top seven in the West"? Therefore, tourism on the peninsula, sounded several times in the TV series Romance of the three kingdomsThe episode "the rise and fall, rise and fall for free".   I think, has three points and Spain, and Portugal the rise and fall of great relationships. First, the contract. Columbus was not short of money to spend in his later years, but his heart was, asked the King restored him Admiral and Governor positions. This can be understood. Also dwell there, according to the pre-1492 voyage with the Royal family signedSet of "Holy-Philippine agreement" and asked King paid his due share of proceeds. He was so bold, several promptingsfrom, himself, in person, the trustee.   Just like regular business partner of the Royal family, Royal families also take ... in good part. Spain adventure and war, using foreign talent, with foreign funding, outsourcing right of monopoly and adventure, even regular employment outside theSoldier, doing business with tera power leveling, is a paper contract. A paper certificate, authorization of the King, even if in addition to the miles of desert island, its legal effect is quite high.   It is too precious to have this kind of cultural traditions, and all sectors of the feudal relationship clear and universal respect for the rights and obligations of relevant, and closely related to the cultural tradition of Roman law I'm afraid. I in PortuguesePortuguese "heritage" towns El Wu La, and in Spain Zaragoza, Barcelona, Segovia, and see the ruins of the Roman Empire. Second, religious fanaticism. Columbus and supports his adventures of Queen Isabella, enthusiasm for life organization Portugal maritime expeditions of Prince Henry, is a devout Catholic, they organized an important objective of the expedition,Is to find the legendary Christian Kingdom in the distance, and the age of Allied and Oriental diablo 3 power leveling, and "holy war", recapture Jerusalem.   The sailors involved in adventure and war, priests, soldiers, aristocrats, if just to look for contributions of wealth and worldly, and have no religious beliefs and feelings of support, it is difficult to explain why they risk their narrow escape risk. “The same person, baiyexiaohe, "a religious enthusiasm inspired adventure, also because of their intolerance, suppression of freedom of thought, has stifled the vitality of the community. In Seville, Córdoba, Zaragoza, and other important cities, I see the distinctive Jewish community are maintained for tourist and the old scene. Majoor square in Madrid, was the Inquisition to "heresy"Place of execution stake, "the dictatorship of the masses" scenes of madness and bloody, a kiss. Third is the chivalry. The Church of Don Quixote is not a parody of the satirical novel, it really looks like the portrayal of Spanish chivalry: "idealism" mania, extremely difficult to do charitable deeds of heroism. Noble Cortes self-financing organization team, twice the country Mexico: Aztec passion acrossTurk people powerful Kingdom, the establishment of "New Spain" (Mexico), Don: Don Quixote is not a success?   At first, only 13 followers, with 180 people on the conquest of the Inca Empire and when Peru Governor's illegitimate children, illiteracy, grazing pig man Pizarro, "prototype" is Sancho · Pansa do? Contemporary Spain are developed, the most persuasive thingWas, in 1992, the Expo and the main venue of the Olympic Games, respectively held in Barcelona, Sevilla's third-largest city and second largest city. When you visit the Barcelona Olympic Games venue, tour against said: "there is nothing extraordinary, were stolen by fathers!" This natural instead of roots, their ancestors from the colonies to steal a lot of money. But curseXI Fu v, rich not only impaired the social atmosphere, aggravating the gap, hinder the development of industry and agriculture, industrial hollowing of the State, and in the "industrial revolution" after long lags behind European competitors. "A page which, changes time and space". Today, Spain people, Portugal empire into the history of the people and the world trend is unstoppable, and toRare three performances. First is diablo 3 power leveling, of course, decolonization. Spain's colonial empire in 1898 after the loss of Cuba and the Philippines, will cease to exist; the second world war, Portugal is not willing to give up in the colonies in Asia and Africa, but does not have the support of the international community, towns also hold independence rebels, as the Chinese Government resumed the exercise of sovereignty in Macau, Portugal will also be"Prototype". The second is freedom of belief and freedom of thought in the world trend is irreversible.   Third is political democratization, peninsula has completed the difficult transition of the democratic constitutional Government. Every country, every nation has it unique, such as adjacent Eastern Mediterranean and Atlantic (600,558), geography, Portuguese Portugal and Spain one of maritime discovery sureEffect. However, the general trend of the development of human society, which countries and Nations are trapped in common. I believe that the Spain history author, leimengde·Kaer, a professor at the University of Oxford says in the preamble: rejection of Franco "Spain exceptionalism", we should research study on the other major countries in Europe like Spain history. Others:

