
world of tanks power leveling 042 brands near the spot price of 9 - AFA

129742939257656250_440Copper: Shanghai copper advance low today. Copper prices bounce, active shipments of goods, consumer buying low. China drop, help support prices in the short term. High shock treatment. Al: high domestic aluminum prices opened lower, deposit reserve rate cut boosted prices of limited impact. After the Spring Festival, aluminum domestic consumption is weak, and the Guangdong coastConsumption has not been fully restored. On the fundamentals, aluminium stock on back up to 320,000 tonnes. Spot market supply remains adequate wot power leveling, sold for a limited, aluminum spot price premium ranges once again expanded to 130 Yuan/ton. Expected before without a recovery in consumption, and Shanghai aluminum will remain weak turbulence patterns, fluctuation interval 16000-16500 Yuan/ton. Zinc: today Shanghai zinc-MarketWatch, Swings down. Opening Saturday was mainly due to the Central Bank reduced and Greece is expected to receive assistance to boost. Spot on the main contract discount $ 250-270/ton range, zinc prices upward momentum, spot cargo receipt less than last week, trading as a whole is more general. Electroplating involves heavy metal pollution in the vicinity of Jiangmen in Guangdong Province were shut down. Adjust two Chinese development of industry structure is taller Twelve-FiveDuring the focus of China's industrial development. Major lead polluting industries in China during the 2011, 2012 may turn to zinc industry, specific situations is to observe the relevant industry policies. On the operation, under the influence of macro-economic uncertainties, zinc price shocks in the short term treatment, attention to support effectiveness of $ 15,400. Lead: lead-Shanghai-MarketWatchLow, continued weak as a whole. Brief to improve domestic liquidity conditions and failed to boost market sentiment, because of the global slowdown in economic growth is still lead under pressure. Domestic stock market turnover improved, brand lead quote continues to move down, but converted by premium trading before edging litres of water, shows the buyer enthusiasm rebounded. According to the data of the international lead and zinc study group show, Global oversupply of refining lead market 156,000 tons, the weak increase in production and consumption in China is the main reason for the surplus will increase. ����On operations, focus on lead prices in the vicinity of 15 world of tanks power leveling,500 dollars/ton, short to shock treatment. Steel: thread low narrow shocks today, trading volumes have fallen sharply. Macro-areas: central banks lowered depositReserve capital eased, ease the financial pressure of steel mills and traders. Industry: China Steel Association estimated in early February the national daily mean produced 1.7045 million tons of crude steel per cent increase slightly, but remained at a low level, and screw-thread Steel Community inventories continue to increase, although growth slowed, but still faces a large pressure on destocking; North and spot priceContinued differentiation of the trend, in the north part of actively pushing large up market prices, market sales have gradually improved, but in Shanghai continuing weakness in spot prices to adjust. On the operation, today's thread was not accompanied by a relaxation of monetary policy but rebounded, mainly because of the current rebar community inventories continue to increase, at the downstream demand delays in turned, steel mills and traders pessimistic shadowResponse to the futures market, under the influence of bad macro-positive factor and, threaded gains momentum in the short term is not sufficient. Beans: American beans last week trend remains strong, China Sourcing beauty bean orders boost local drought impact and South America market, Fund continue to increase bean, soybean futures and options net more than 100,000 hand, shown in recentField beans bullish mood. Next week, South America region is still dominated by intermittent rain, weather boost is limited to side, current weather will gradually fade out in South America market, sown areas in the northern hemisphere is expected to cut into the market important, short-term shocks to us will continue on the strong patterns are expected. Bean in 1285-1300 concern the United States pressure. Zhou YiguoBeans in advance, because the United States pulses, Zhou Yixiu, domestic market rebounded sharply on Friday continued to climb after the will is not strong, relatively weak surrounding the movements of goods but also to short-term profit pressure on beans, spot is firm and port inventory pressure relieve side support. ����On the operation, beans held in moderation, not chasing rising stocks. Sugar: under the Central Bank lowering boost,Zheng sugar today opened a step; shocks to maintain after narrow correction; spot market: quote of the Group generally downward 20-50 Yuan/ton, quote in $ 6500-6590/ton range; current market focus: on Friday met China sugar Association and the sugar Association, conference price is plus sales, 6,600 now sold and sold in July or AugustIf it is a 6,800 (in addition to storage world of tanks power leveling, bank interest) is the same, and national production could be around 1150, about 700 in Guangxi. 1358 national consumption and last year was flat, or increasing, average sales prices of 7,102 last year, this year is about 7,000 (plus or minus 200), expected that prices will return to more than $ 7,000 or more; technologyThe current sugar market trends: the rebound rangebound stage in the process; operations remain on treatment, be sure to do a full stop. Cotton: cotton Cheng opened today, fell to a low point in early trading, midday weak shock positions increased, side trend is weak, but not before breaking. Stock held steady for the time being, but poor lower shipments, textile enterprises with the purchase, gapAppearing does not for the time being. But next year shouchu price might be announced soon, shouchu is still in progress, and maturity spreads narrowed down little space. Fundamentals is no big change in the near future, concerned about the trend of macro-policy and external. ����Wait-and-see wave action or days. Crude oil, fuel oil: today's Asia, New York crude oil around $ 105 shocks, the Iran situation, Seem to have breakout potential of crude oil in New York. Currently Iran how development is fraught with uncertainty, wait-and-see crude oil. Because of the adjustable push up oil prices and oil resources, some businessmen raised marine oil prices, China Sea in Dalian ships domestic harmonic 180CST quote 5,490 dollars/ton, up $ 30/ton. Although crude oil rises, but huyou today bucked theFell, showed some weakness, light limits the pace of huyou upstream to downstream demand, Shanghai oil near $ 5,400 to attempt to empty. Plastics: plastics 1205 contracts by drop impact occurred jumps-MarketWatch. But does not appear in a single race. Shock price days down. 7,042 brands near the spot price of 9,750, representing fell last week.Iran issues, International crude oil continues to strengthen. Plastics will be a significant support to the medium-term effects. How can continue to hold. Rubber: rubber prices before the open-cut or will continue to drag down to the weak fundamentals and macro-wide under the support of the expected shock, this trend, or have been, if not effectively exceeded 30,000 yuan/ton, rubber after open-cut surfaceTumbling further recommended tire manufacturers do not store goods from their highs, on-demand procurement, to the fundamental weak point for bulk purchase inventory. PVC: macro-market gains and positive effects of crude oil, PVC advance in early trading, but the weak stock market situation continued to drag on future price trends, although domestic lowered reserve, cheer on the spot marketSmall purchase enthusiasm still more in the lower light; reduced carbide due to limited production and protect the upstream market, has warmed up the intention of calcium carbide. ����PVC today late in diving, but little overall space down, attention to 6800-6850 Yuan/ton of support. PTA: today's Jiangsu and Zhejiang's overall temperature polyester silk swallow, reserve downgrade of the message is not yet on the market up to realRole of mainstream business, concessions and negotiations continued. Liquidity has eased, prices could rebound, key to lower demand in the late recovery. Current trend of demand is still less than leader TA, empty surface. ����However, in the case of changing external environment, also beware of low suddenly reverse. Coke: Coke today narrow fluctuations,Chonggao fall, continuing weaker pattern. Demand has not warmed up, inventories of steel products at a high level, making deposit and reduction in the rate of difficult to send to warm to this lack of variety. ����Combined with the steel works the participation is weak, afternoon in the presence of air. Methanol: methanol: methanol advance low today, on rendering resistance under the pressure of the situation. Spot, market performance, ShanxiLower 20 Yuan/ton, rose 10-30 Yuan/ton, Shandong province, East China, today dahua, new Phoenix, Mingshui, Shandong tengzhou shenglong appliance repair, to market a little boost, but our focus remains at the downstream demand, demand before sending a clear signal, methanol to maintain large wide possibilities of shocks.����Recommends that investors maintain a buy low sell high strategy. Body source: Galaxy future

