
tera gold illegal fund-raising more than more than 770 million RMB - JJV

129762943192500000_83Interpretation of Wu Ying: criminals are martyrs Criminals still xianlie "people not afraid of death, but the death of fear", Lu Jianping quote of the Lao language, explain the phenomenon of fund raisers as chebogar; cshebogar, "the relationship between supply and demand, or the pursuit of interest, this fear is much larger than the people on the death penalty. "Wu Ying results came out of the Court of final appeal of the death penalty, public opinion as a whole has exploded. Said Zhang Weiying, a famous economist, Wu Ying of the death penaltyIs a retrogression in the reform of China. Wu Ying which means that Chinese citizens ' freedom of not financing. Financing in China continues to be a privilege, not a fundamental right. More than 30 years reform and opening up, a number of entrepreneurs for debit merit penalty. Loan is like a huge trap, entrepreneurs at Cliff is often not perceived its danger. In fact, "Wu YingCase appeared on the reform of China's most important node, reflects the three major duel: duel has a diverse economy and State-owned monopoly to a turning point; the second is the development of demand and rigid system of confrontation to a turning point; the three concepts of Justice and authoritarian concept of confrontation to a turning point. Three major turning points, makes the case for development decision of China today determines tomorrow in China,Determine the fate and the future of everyone of us. "The afternoon of January 18, 2012, from the traditional Spring Festival in China in less than a week, Zhejiang Provincial higher people's Court issued a second-instance verdict in the Wu Ying case results, Wu Ying ruling dismissed the defendant's appeal, maintaining the death penalty, and to report to the Supreme People's Court review of death penalty �C this should be familiarIn the past 20 years, Wu Ying-the story repeated in China. In 1986, Wenzhou, "event", Zheng Lefen Yueqing woman for committing crimes of speculation, aged 38, 5 years after being sentenced to death, caused many disputes at that time; in 1993, a sensation of great wall company Shen Taifu, investors sign "technology development contract" funding of 1 billionYuan, were eventually sentenced to death in 1996, Billy Deng illegal financing case of Jiangsu Wuxi was also sentenced to death. As a developed private economy of Zhejiang, seems to have become illegal fund-raising hit: in just 5 years of the past, Zhejiang 219 people were guilty of raising funds was sentenced on a charge of fraud, because of fund-raising fraud sentenced 8 persons from 2007 up to 2011, 75, number 5-year growth of more than 8 times. 219 cases, 10 were sentenced to death or at least suspended the death penalty: Lishui "little girl" Du Yimin for illegal financing fraud, was sentenced to lethal injection in May 2009, April 2009 Taizhou Wang Jufeng was sentenced to death for crimes of illegal fund-raising in 2011, Lishui yintai principal Ji Wenhua was the death penalty,In addition, Ting Zhao Zhi was sentenced to death in Shaoxing suspended sth This is not legal is not harsh, but has not been able to stop the growing of illegal fund-raising campaign. Zhejiang Provincial higher people's court case of Wu Ying Shen Xiaoming of the Chief Justice of the second instance judgement in the interpretation of the Court of final appeal said that criminal law provisions, 199th 192th: for the purpose of illegal possession, of using fraud methods to raise funds,Huge amounts and caused major damage to the interests of the State and the people, to life imprisonment or the death penalty and confiscation of property. Related judicial interpretations of the Supreme People's Court issued a clear provision, amount in currency of more than $ 1 million of personal funds fraud, should be recognized as a huge amount. Wu Ying for the purpose of illegal possession, to conceal its huge debt and a large number of false registrationSecretary, not actual business after the establishment of the truth, the fictional use of funds, to high interest rates or high returns as bait, to the public for a variety of false propaganda, illegal fund-raising more than more than 770 million RMB, actually cheat more than 380 million Yuan, although found to raise funds directly to objects more than 10 people only, but off the large staff, wide, is seriously not a specific property interests of the massesAnd seriously undermine the national financial management order, amount of huge, big money at will and disposition, and profligate, caused major damage to the country and people's interest, extremely serious crimes. The Court of first instance sentenced Wu Ying to death, subject to legal and policy of death penalty in China, so the second-instance verdict was upheld. But one expert told journalist said in an interview with the zheshang, judgmentWu Ying of the death penalty, from a certain point of view centesimate. However, many cases of illegal fund-raising, has just proved, fund raising is the demand of the market. There will be more "Wu Ying" Economist Mao yushi (micro-blogging) has stated on a number of occasions, everyone has the right to raise funds, especially bank loans so hard now. Fraud is a crime, but borrowing is legitimate. Should cancel non-By raising this argument. Legalization of private financing, countries should vigorously support. "In a mature market economy, there is no financing illegal said. In a period of transition and transformation, if SMEs needed a large amount of liquidity in a country and not to provide a sufficient number of loans, financing should restore again to civil rights. "The" should not be excessive amplificationFolk financing risks, even putting money into the stock market of bonds and other assets will be undone, and if it is only a short-term loan, the total interest paid and not like some amateur conversion on an annualised basis. "A small loan company official said. "Law of the crime of illegal fund-raising, itself planned economy with a strong color tera power leveling, even monopolies color, Will change gradually over time slowly faded out from the criminal law, the State will also be forbidden to raise funds from the private to the control "financial writer Xiaobo Wu (micro-blogging) also believed that" a very possible scenario is that over a number of years, as China's market-oriented reform of the financial system, Wu Ying's behavior was consistent with commercial law and legal. "In the early 80 's, because of priceFormation of ladder price drop of planned and unplanned, when its national "broker", which led to "the crimes of speculation" committed, only around 1982 or sentenced up to 30,000 people, but after the gradual economic transition to a market economy in our country, in 1997 abolished the Penal "speculation." On February 4, yabuli, China entrepreneurOn the forums, Zhang weiying, Economist stressed in keynote "illegal fund-raising is draconian laws", and an exclamation point when my memories of Deng Xiao-ping's protected year wide for a long time and now hard to repeat. Illegal fund-raising in the 1997 amendment when passive inherited the 1996 decisions of the Standing Committee, is considered to be the "strike-hard to maintain financial order" reality proves. New group Chairman Zhou XiaoLight said: "private lending activity, its has a huge market demand. In the case of formal financial institutions cannot meet this demand, through legislation, the legalization of public and private finance institutions. Only in this way can clear legalization of private financial limits and standards, so that non-government financial activity can only walk on the legal edge. "" People not afraid of dying, but theTo die of fear ", Institute of criminal law, Executive Vice President of Beijing Normal University Professor Lu Jianping quote of the Lao language, explain the phenomenon of fund raisers as chebogar; cshebogar," from the financial monopoly of inefficient repeatedly modified, currently money brokers are still active, reflects the debit and the entire mechanism, is the power of the market, the supply and demand, or of interestPursuit of this fear is much larger than the people on the death penalty. "If the debit system of law and does not change, then killed a Wu Ying, there will be the next Wu Ying appears. How far is it from the market economy in China Wu Ying, Zhang weiying Economist setback in China's reform of the death penalty. Wu Ying which means that Chinese citizens ' freedom of not financing. Financing in China continues to be aOf these tera gold, rather than a fundamental right. Wu Ying protection is to protect ourselves. Wang Wei by mergers and acquisitions expert Wu Ying is evil cause, planned economy is "robber economy", the reform process should be the recovery process of the market economy. Zhu xinli, Chairman of Huiyuan group Wu Ying financing case, I do not know, have no voice. But when it comes to fund raising, I am 20 years agoTake money from relatives and friends, take over the South, had to borrow overseas, just today. Famous lawyer Zhang sizhi rationally considered the height of Wu Ying in which reflect the contradictions of reform and opening up, look around the complex reality of the financial markets, solution is to open the market, establishing free and fair financial system, broken without relying on the death penalty to maintain the financial monopoly of truth. Tall FescueYu Shi noted economist when I start doing microfinance is illegal fund-raising, deposit to the public, and has been for many years. This exposed the financial market is not a market in China, there are still traces of the planned economy. Han Zhiguo, Director of the Institute of State and fortune China malpractice where all of the economy now? Modified by economic reform and why not? Key is not onlyState monopolies the resources, monopoly power, monopoly enterprises, State monopoly is the most important financial, financial monopoly is total curse of State monopolies. Do not break the financial monopoly, market economy cannot be. Wu Ying is now at such a time, appeared on the most important points of the reform of China, reflects the three major confrontation. A diverse economy and State-owned monopolyDuel has reached a turning point, China in order to develop a market economy, market economy is diversified economy, what are we planned economy? Economic volatility, market economy is surging economy, everyone is a flashpoint. Wu Ying is a breaking point, she would like to launch enterprise development economy, she will have to borrow the money. Borrowing money and fraud are completely different things, diversified economyPrivate finance is not possible. The second turning point development aspirations and rigid system of confrontation to a turning point. What people now want to develop? Civil society this is the checks and balances of power, the spirit of contract this is the constraint. Now who wants to Wu Ying died? Not only are those corrupt officials hoped that Wu Ying died, and bought assets of Wu Ying also hoped that Wu Ying died. Wu Ying died, and cheap to buy assets of foreverBelongs to him. Third, between concepts of Justice and authoritarian ideas to a turning point. Now to the idea of the concept of justice justice and authoritarian concept of confrontation to a turning point. Three major turning point swtor gold, simultaneously in the case of Wu Ying show, makes the case particularly concern, also make the development of this case decided today decides tomorrow in China with China, determine eachAlso determine the fate of each of us and everyone's future. Chen June Beijing, Zhejiang Chamber of Commerce Vice President of Zhejiang more than 95% are small and medium enterprises, are all grass-roots of Zhejiang businessmen, no background and no cover no financial strength develop. I worked for 18 years in chambers of Commerce, had never heard of small business loans, debit and achievements of Zhejiang businessmen. IfTo criminalize Wu Ying, you set up a machine gun, to fire in Zhejiang, doing business all the fire and die! MU Rong Xuecun almost famous novelist of our financial system is still the financial system of the Ming dynasty. This is like an extremely modern styling the modern car with tractor engines, Shanding cave people also like hand-built chassis, carEach run at a speed of 300 km/h on the highway. When no market economy, fool melon seeds were sentenced to capital punishment, people today do not have the financial power, so Wu Ying were sentenced to death. Little cheer sails to control economic crime the death penalty, Peking University School of law professor to control economic crimes are not don't have the death penalty, death penalty for control of economic crime, IThink is useless in most cases. Especially many people detest the corrupt officials in the community, the death penalty for them did not exist any shock and awe. Wu Ying for so many years engaged in these behaviors, she thought she would be sentenced to death? If her problem is not considered, death penalty for economic crimes, for control of such crimes and what�� Control of economic crime, unworthy of the death penalty did not need the death penalty. In the case of law enforcement have a certain confidence level, deprivation of personal liberty combined with stringent financial penalties can be even more effective than the death penalty's deterrent effect, specific claims here not much to talk about. Can provide a lot of economic measures, measures of property. Perpetrators of economic crimes when full accountTo the consequences of their crime, say is harsh penalty for economic crimes can be added, such as penalties for corrupt official corruption 1 million 2 million. Greedy for 10 million 10 million penalty, penalties for corruption, the more, the better. Even in China's social environment, by a reasonable set of economic sanctions, the death penalty was completely replaced, by Wu Ying case we should at least put the abolition of non-violenceCrime and economic crime the death penalty on the agenda, abolition of the death penalty of economic crime completely from the case of Wu Ying began. Centesimate meam Liu Renwen Chinese Academy of social sciences, Director of the Institute of law, criminal law, I think, even if fund raising fraud has the death penalty, is also not on the results, can not because after a loss how much depends on how much he does not back,From the beginning, go back and just say that you have intentionally financing fraud. This does not meet the spirit of the judicial interpretation of the Supreme Court, and also does not meet the legislative intent. Wu Ying if plants have a business plan, no contributions to abscond, it is hard to tell from the beginning was to scam. Should say she still has normal operation, there's some vision plans may subsequently errorsMoney chain is broken, probably subjective intent to change, this time according to the specific stage of our links. 2007 resumed the death penalty approval power, has shown to reduce the death penalty in our country, this is our basic policy. In 2007 we significantly reduce the death penalty in practice last year, trimming of criminal law cases and from the legislation was repealed on 13 non-Crime the death penalty, raising funds whether or not to take out the crime of fraud is also a discussion of the issue of the death penalty, not surprisingly next such non-economic crime the death penalty should belong to our step by step process of the abolition of the death penalty. In such a process, such charges are not sentenced to death. Medicine Xin, Li Changping was a resurgence, many court judge dare not sentenced to death,Always afraid of being criticized, and sentenced to death in an increase in the amount of return. And the case does not like Li Changping, anger is too large, the case does not have public anger, which carries the death penalty, I kind of understand. It was stated that the sentenced to death was because Wu Ying of Jiangsu and Zhejiang areas over the past year in many places, many similar events. A lot of people are funding strand breaks, some private employers ran away, probablyHave a meaning: execute one as a warning to other. We legally cannot be to other government objectives will kill this man should not kill, death sentence or life imprisonment, Wu Ying isn't enough to deter other people? Is life imprisonment would be terrible, death sentence would be terrible, not have to kill to do, sentenced to life imprisonment and the death sentence will not prevent us from similar crimesDeterrence and prevention. Others:

