
eq2 plat foreign - XQZ

129742915489687500_242Core Tip: 56 years old Marsh King from Japan to China had lived for 12 years, he has worked in Mitsubishi Corporation and many bodies as head of multinational corporations in China, claiming to be better than some "China hand" a better understanding of the conditions encountered in China. More than 30 years ago, Mao Zedong in his eyes is a hero on the battlefield, but he's "cultural revolution" and the national economy and people's lifeRegression. Now, the Marsh King still feel that Mao was a generation of great men, because he led the Chinese people out of the long colonial rule of foreign powers. Article courtesy of China author: Wu Yu originally titled multinational CEOs of Mao Zedong in the eyes after a year of careful debugging, the world's first commercial high-speed Maglev railway is put into formal operation in Shanghai. Served as the German combined total coAdjustable Volker Gerhard * Val recently stressed to Xinhua, China is the first successful application of cutting-edge Maglev technologies in the world, one important reason is that insists on the decision-making mechanism of democratic centralism, which is represented by Mao Zedong's and Deng Xiaoping's legacy of generations of leaders left China. "I've known since middle school was Mao Zedong. "Said Wahl, 64,"But he has a deep understanding of, or to China nearly three years of work. I think that China's top leadership of the Government of the special, once you decide to do, few arguments, we turn into a burst of energy, have significantly contributed to the rapid economic development. "Sino-Japanese joint venture, Shanghai International Trade Center, General Manager of Yamazaki is fine think, still influential in today's China by Mao Zedong, China is stillA socialist State. "Almost every unit and company, whether it is State-owned, foreign, party organizations at all levels of the Communist Party, and party committees of all provinces, municipalities, and is still the core of leadership; most critical jobs, there are Communist Party members. "Yamazaki tor credits, 52, said. 110 anniversary of Mao Zedong's birthday, the achievements and lessons of this great man to stay eq2 plat, not onlyThe Chinese repeatedly recall, but as the executives of transnational corporations in China to understand China today, judge the prospects of China's special "Windows". Marsh King, aged 56, from Japan to China has lived for 12 years, he worked in several multinational companies such as Mitsubishi organization in China to serve as head, claiming to be better than some "China hand" better understanding of the actual situation in China. More than 30 years ago, his eyes of Mao ZedongIs a hero on the battlefield, but he's "cultural revolution" great retrogression in the national economy and people's life. Now, the Marsh King still feel that Mao was a generation of great men, because he led the Chinese people out of the long colonial rule of foreign powers. "A country and nation, in equality with other exchanges on the world stage, stick to their positions and ideas, it is veryValuable. China did. "The Marsh King said. Wahl believes that Mao Zedong had identified China as a great power status, and laid the Foundation for China's development. He thought of Mao Zedong's "is a person of integrity age of conan gold, and solve difficulties and determined". He believes that this spirit is critical to national and State, cannot easily be abandoned at any time. Yamazaki is fine the Shanghai World Trade CenterCurrent occupancy rates of up to 98%, accommodating more than 230 multinationals. Yamazaki believes that without Mao Zedong, difficult to have China today if there is no "cultural revolution" political movement, the Chinese economy is more developed than today. It is in this historical conflict, China and constantly sum up experiences and lessons, gradually matured. Interviews CEOs of multinational corporations generally considered,25 years of reform and opening up policy, China pushed the right path of development. This policy not only make China progressively richer and more important is that China, as a developing country, is becoming an important factor in promoting world progress, which is the founder of new China represented by Mao Zedong's expectations. "Normally I often receive applications, every home has the sameFriends intercede for his children. They want me to come to China to work, look for opportunities to the rapid development of China. "Who is also a Vice President of Siemens transportation systems Val said.

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