
tera power leveling How to avoid accidental injury in regulation "rigid demands" - MEN

129742938820781250_148Xinhuanet the secret world gold, Shanghai, February 20-first-time home buyers, improve the Fund of credit subsidies, adjusting the general housing prices, mortgage interest rates return to base sth   Recently, some localities and departments on housing policy "fine-tuning" increased housing of urban and rural construction "halt" appears when aroused public discussion. How to view recentLocal property market control of "little tricks"? How to avoid accidental injury in regulation "rigid demands"?   "Xinhua perspective" reporters followed.   The local "little tricks" increasing showing the property "fine"? Before and after the Chinese new year, many banks have to buy as many customers perform the benchmark interest rate for the first suite. China Merchants Bank (600,036), Tianjin Branch officer told reporters that althoughFloating interest rates at present most banks still perform the first homes of 10% standard, "returned to normal levels of consensus."   Central Bank recently announced that 2012 will be the first time home buyers credit requirements included in the key areas of concern. Tianjin public Jiang Hongmin said recently he value of a second-hand House originally belonging to the "non-home", has now been designated as a normal House, its contract withSales tax is expected to reduce by more than half the total amount of taxes and fees. On February 1 tera power leveling, Tianjin on home guide prices adjusted average adjustment up to 35 in the central zone.   2%.   Reporters comb found that since the four quarters last year, there are more than 10 cities and departments in housing standards, Provident Fund, land, and other aspects of housing policy to make "fine-tuning". In addition to dayOutside Tianjin, Beijing, Shanghai, Wuhan and other cities have been adjusted average housing prices. Hefei, Nanjing and other cities to improve Fund lending, per family maximum loan amount than the original increase from 100,000 to 200,000 yuan.   Zhongshan city, Guangdong "limit order" from last year's $ 5,800 per cent to $ 6,590 per square meter, and so on. Part of the change in policy was acknowledgedAs belonging to the "routine".   Shanghai municipal housing support and Housing Administration said on 16th, the existing common housing standard has been in place for three years, house prices, have been large changes in prices, adjusted to make it more in line with market reality, is a routine management of the Government, and trading links to increase the ordinary commodity housing supply. "But must be preventedTake the ' adjustable fine tune ', easing in disguise. "Some people in the industry say, for example, home buyer subsidy initiative tor credits, may interfere with the macro-control, even prices rally again.

