
world of tanks power leveling national power - EYT

News of the State Council does to be published yesterday " 2011 Chinese spaceflight " white paper. White paper points out, finish tomorrow 5 years to ensure the goal assignment with Chinese established spaceflight, formulate of our country government the policy that develops spaceflight career and measure, the spaceflight activity funds that stabilizes safeguard continuously is devoted, the spaceflight of work up diversity, much channel invests a system. Zhang Wei of spokesman of news of national spaceflight bureau does in news of the State Council express on held press conference, this white paper pays attention to inheritance, keep consistent with before two white paper on frame structure and language color. Introduced a lot of new cases at the same time, elaborated 5 principles that enterprise of spaceflight of new period our country develops, summed up the main achievement that obtains since 2006, elaborated the target job that future expands 5 years. According to white paper, did not come 5 years, china will strengthen capability of spaceflight industry base to build wot power leveling, technology of lead deploy forward position studies, continue to carry out manned spaceflight, moon to explore, high resolution is system of right observation system, satellitic navigation location, new the spaceflight such as generation carrier rocket is great project of science and technology and a batch of first projects of key domain, build dimensional infrastructure as a whole, stimulative satellite and applied industry grow, begin dimensional science to consider deep, those who promote spaceflight enterprise is comprehensive, harmonious, can develop continuously. Finish established target job to ensure, chinese government formulate the policy that develops spaceflight career and measure, basically include: Make overall plans, reasonable deploy all sorts of spaceflight activities; Strengthen construction of ability of innovation of spaceflight science and technology; Drive satellitic application industry to develop energetically, make overall plans with construction space infrastructure, advance what the satellite uses resource to share, cultivate catenary of group of satellitic application industry, industry and satellitic application market, fast health develops property of stimulative satellite application; Strengthen capability of base of industry of spaceflight science and technology to build; Strengthen policy code to build, begin the research of national spaceflight law actively, the legal laws and regulations that be made stage by stage and perfects spaceflight activity management and spaceflight industry policy, guidance and standard each spaceflight activity, build more the policy code that is helpful for spaceflight career progress environment; The spaceflight activity funds that safeguard stabilizes continuously is devoted, the spaceflight of work up diversity, much channel invests a system, the abidance that ensures spaceflight activity funds is thrown is stable, the devoted strength that increases technology of satellite of project of great to spaceflight science and technology, application and satellitic application, forward position and basic research mainly; Encourage social all circles to participate in spaceflight activity and strengthen spaceflight talent team to build. Zhang Wei expresses world of tanks power leveling, china is a developing country, driving economic society to develop is first job. China develops spaceflight activity, still basically be a basis national condition, national power, according to the demand that economic society expands, undertake throwing moderately. "Current, china suits to the investment of spaceflight activity and national economy progress, also ensured spaceflight career fast good progress. The economic benefits that spaceflight enterprise develops and social benefit are apparent, live with the people closely related. " Zhang Wei says. White paper emphasizes, did not come 5 years world of tanks power leveling, it is the crucial period that China builds comparatively well-off society in the round, it is to deepen the period of reforming and opening, assault fortified positions that accelerates change economy to develop way, chinese spaceflight career faces new development opportunity. China will be close together around national strategy goal, strengthen own innovation, enlarge open collaboration, stimulative spaceflight career good rapid development. Responsibility edits: NF045

