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129756711729843750_1168US election debate topic of contraception the US media satire "political play with women's bodies" integrated global network published the global times reported on March 7, United States presidential election Republican primaries--6th ushered in the most important day in the "Super Tuesday" tera power leveling, people in 10 States tussle at the campaign. On the occasion of the campaign was in full swing, a very popular topic of surpriseTo grab the limelight--"contraceptives". Female contraceptive health insurance support for Obama and the relatively conservative Republican stand on issues around the "one little pill" fighting diablo 3 gold, staged a documentary "fantasy of the election drama". At present, "the small pills" on Obama and a little "sweet" for Republicans, are "bitter", because of Obama's "prescription"More women voters favor. "Politics again played the female body", United States 5th commented that the Seattle Times around the "pill problem" of political turmoil. United States scholar said: "a national controversy over the issue of contraception became not only one of the miracles in the 2012 presidential election, and has been proven to be Republicans and supporters of women's reproductive rights' A grain of bitter pills. "Someone to challenge Obama tera power leveling, have impure motives, think he blew this time assembled. France said the Tribune, Republicans originally started this topic must have thought when winning, but, on the contrary, new poll, after contraceptives topic of debate, Obama actually extended the polls with Republican opponents strengths. (This EmbassyUnited States correspondent Chen Yiming reporter Guo Fang Wei Hui Sun Wei Tao Yong) (Editor: Song Yuxin)

