
diablo 3 power leveling they ship Sea Oyster in Hong Kong on that day - EES

129733522807815000_17"My boat was sea ice holder was broken, began to sink, and I don't know where this is, someone save us!  "February 3, Dalian zhuanghe yinhai Wang's family received a Royal Town of Wang Yin-Hai for help. Yinhai Wang's wife sought assistance from the local government, ready to be responsible for the rescue of a ship within a dozen minutes, but lost a challenge to all men: how to find the KingYinhai parent-child? "Eyes are ocean go?  I do not know where it is, I was returning from the zhuanghe wangjiadao sth "rescuers reach call for silver Sea King did not calculate an accurate position. At about 8 o'clock that night, Park in Dalian Yan Jian-min wangjiadao Hong Kong shipping limited trading as "Yan Jian-min 1th" passenger ship when messages are known without the slightest hesitation, immediately set sail on wangjiadao, ShichengCarrying out search and rescue operations in the vicinity of the island.  Mate hand-held searchlight station pilot at the bow, and sailors stood on the deck ship lighting search diablo 3 power leveling, they bypass the mariculture rafts, rocks, ice, but not found Wang Yinhai parent-child figure. Fortunately diablo 3 gold, yinhai Wang mobile phone power is adequate, rescue workers can always keep in touch with them, and they help themselves diablo 3 gold, "clothingClothes to put on, of diesel on board with you, lit, to our navigation.  "11:40 P.M., search and rescue personnel found Mars light in the sea, search and rescue team was excited, they found squat or lie on the sea ice in the sea ice Wang Yinhai on parent-child. "Cold speak to his son. "Participation in the rescue of Yoon ManagerRemember, the actual rescue has been deviated from the normal route-km, father and son, "" ice to the West, "Yan Jian-min 1th" returned to wangjiadao in 1 o'clock in the morning of the next day security Hong Kong, King family eventually reunited. Yesterday, the reporter's call to King silver sea, 59 of the silver sea to sea more than 20 years, 24-year old son is only sailing one to two years, silver sea with a thick accent, Dalian told Wang Kee, He would like to thank rescue workers of the night. Wang Yinhai memories, zhuanghe, they ship Sea Oyster in Hong Kong on that day, driving a small wooden boat returns from the zhuanghe Hong Kong en route, the sea ice drifting back row his ship clips broken, they can only jump on drifting ice line. "Nothing", this is typical of Dalian dialect, looking at the foot of the sinking vessel and sea-ice, silver Sea King is very cool, just for the asking "Nothing "to inspire his son, two people bedding covered in the body, saying" nothing "does not know how many times to say, father and son never gave up hope. Yesterday, news of Liaoning Provincial communication Department publishing, under the influence of strong cold air and cold wave, Liaoning Lu ice in the sea waters near the port of the island, ice in serious condition, to the safe navigation of the ship brought the crisisInsurance remind fishermen carefully out to sea, at the same time praised "Yan Jian-min 1th" actions of the passenger ship to rescue persons in distress. Crown Prince press conference Others:

