
aion kinah Suthran as if in collusion with each other start with moment. How to be good - UEQ

129731361949229227_41CNS aion kinah Urtem,, February 7 (reporters and Shen 溦 and and Zhou Wei)-suspected her husband was having an affair, Zhejiang Taizhou Korean Lady in secret a "mysterious people" the acquisition of listening devices, but only insist on playing each other after money, and also various threats, Korean ladies and quickly for the panic alarm, police investigations have found each other just bluffing the fraudsters, such a case really makes peopleLaugh or cry. February 6 is the Lantern Festival, linhai, Taizhou aion kinah Spatalos, Zhejiang, round-the-clock rush of white water ocean station about two middle-aged women aion kinah Thor, saying it was to kill, there are three or four people were staring at her nearby play a waiting game! Police quickly rushed to the site after the hearing.  But after careful investigation and on the perimeter, did not find mentioned in the report. Original Korean Lady husband longIn business, was honest aion kinah Telemachus, go out socializing, drunk, was beginning to suspect, want to purchase tap one or two aion kinah Kromede, quietly placed her husband's belongings in order to control their movements. Just received a text message aion kinah Balder, the other claiming to hold a technology aion kinah Suthran, based on the phone number and personal information copied exactly the phone memory card, this card installed in your phone, numberWho says you can make your ears. Korean ladies will call the phone number provided in the message aion kinah Perento, told her husband's cell phone number, and related information, please make a phone memory card. Soon, Han woman received a phone call, shows the number of her husband, but is making people talk. Other cards have been made, request the ROK 800 first remittances to their accounts. Korean womanStick to each other's first delivery and then pay.  Asked the other party where she lived, Korea ladies just, casually says he is white water ocean town, they proposed to meet in front of the white water ocean town of ABC. Day of the Lantern Festival, Korea ladies bring girlfriends drove to a specified location. Contact the other party, their physical feature. Korean lady will tell in detail their license plate number and parking locations. ThisRequired by each other and all of a sudden when she first remittance delivery. Korean Lady nature not to be outdone, insisted on demand pay before delivery. This is trading very thing.  Unexpectedly the other tone suddenly changes, ferocious threat saying it's their rules, delivery is to collect money and then, if we do not pay people pick fault her hand tendon of foot tendons, hatchet man has long been waiting for this! Ms. HanPerennial rest at home is a small woman, after all, there are smaller under the old aion kinah, hear this weakness, she and her girlfriends look, does have a few people were in the vicinity of the car while phone while outside looked towards their position, as if in collusion with each other start with moment. How to be good! Korean ladies and remorse, if they are not eating enough to hang in there, wants to listenHer husband, how to cause a fatal disaster, probably to get a friend.  Two people gaze of shiver and think it is going to be, abandoned vehicles and fled aion kinah Vaizel, heading for white water ocean station. At this point, the other side is calling aion kinah Zikel, said there is also a special charger for sale, worth more than 2000 Yuan, let her be the remittance. Korean Lady in the civilian police motioned to carefully ask now of the location,Each other will say because traffic jams at eight o'clock in the evening, Ann Rowe, said he has been in the white water ocean town hotel, once again threaten the Korean ladies early remittance. When the truth is obvious aion kinah Siel, the other side is a liar aion money, there is no such thing as technology, collected from various channels to the other's cell phone number and sending SMS fraud and still are in the provinces at this time, simply send a text messagePhone, tempting bait, immediately after receiving the remittances "disappeared"; meet senior buyers to verbal intimidation aion kinah Israphel, threats and promises.  Any technology is no longer news. Police advised people not to be taken lightly. Most importantly, mutual trust and mutual understanding between husband and wife, even if slightly rough, calm communication is best, listening does not resolveApproach. While attention to protection of privacy, don't reveal personal information such as phone numbers to strangers. (End) Others:

