
cheap runescape items eight works received this award in 2011 - IZI

129733906144846250_50Comprehensive news London morning local time on 8th International announced on MTV music video award for best broadcast winners last year, the list count is most frequently broadcast MTV world's largest TV channel music, eight work double platinum award, breaking the historical record of this award. In the winner's list, female singer has done. Jesse ・ J, a-DaiEr, kaidi・Peili, zhennifu・luopeizi all won double platinum award, Ladygaga, Britney Spears and Rihanna all Bai Jinda award. France music star David Coulthard became MTV music video award for best broadcast the first-ever winner of the four cheap runescape items, he Who ', and the sthatchick, and the WithoutYouWhereThemGirlsAt and the Sweat, 2011 in MTV's big TV channels over 45,000 times. In accordance with the provisions of MTV international, playing more than 20 runescape items,000 music video was awarded double-platinum award, eight works received this award in 2011, this is the MTV music video award for best broadcast since the establishment ofDouble Platinum Award awarded up to a session.  Another 35 music videos playing number more than 10,000 and won the Platinum award runescape items for sale, 14 music videos broadcast by more than 5,000 times gold medal. (Wang Lin) (It was yxj) Others:

