
000 a month to select index and mixed funds investment wow power leveling 000 a month to select inde

129834010411358750_23Finance case: for many owners of SMEs, income is good, but the business situation, rainy day make a good arrangement is particularly important. SMB owners who pay attention to their full insurance, companies operating at the same time, but steady return of family assets wow power leveling, value added value, but also to consider early retirement, estate and wealth preservationAnd other issues. Mr LAU is 44 years old, is a private enterprise bosses, pre-tax monthly wage of 30,000 Yuan Liu, owned by private enterprise of $ 700,000 in annual net profit after tax, full scale expansion and investment, is expected to slowdown in revenue growth in the future. Wife is a full-time homemaker, son is 16 years old. Family living expenses of about $ 120,000 per year. Mr LAU, 5 yearsAgo to participate in social security, Mr Liu bank deposit amount of $ 1.6 million, the company capital of 10 million Yuan, owner-occupied real estate value of $ 2 million, not loans. 1, Liu family assets is mainly carried on by the company's capital, debt-free. As the owners of private enterprises, although the high current income, but the company has a long-term gold San, slowing growth in the future, business riskThere is large uncertainty. Current income situation, actively engaged in planning for the future, guarantee their children's education, pension protection, such as the target of achieving and adherence in diversifying, gradually improve the proportion of family assets. At the same time, Mr LAU's social insurance and health insurance, low, increase the intensity of investment in commercial insurance. Total protection is obviously inadequate Diablo 3 gold, risk-resistant ability is weakProposed configuration of the insurance, risk protection.����2, Liu is currently a family of financial investments, major investments in bank deposits, there are few other investment, ineffective use of funds, lack of capacity to create wealth, unable to effectively avoid risks of inflation and devaluation of the currency. Education planning estimated 2 years later his son to the United Kingdom to study, when investmentRelatively short, proposed to the current deposit and Mr Liu mainly private enterprise net profit after taxes, invested in time deposits, bonds, funds, bank financial products such as costs relating to ensure two years later. Currently United Kingdom two years studying abroad, need the cost around $ 500,000, taking into account the tuition growth rate and exchange rate issues, it is recommended that Mr Liu will now deposit $ 1.6 million to do configuration:$ 60,000 under family emergency returns from imprest, that part of the cash to buy a money market fund or short-term financing fund, on the premise of maintaining liquidity, security, but also to balance the benefits of asset.����Remaining deposits to investment in the industrial and commercial bank of RMB financial product. Bank continue to introduce a variety of RMB financial products, a variety of period, various investment channels to choose from, in particular,Guaranteed structured deposits products of RMB financial products and capital guarantee, expected return is higher Diablo 3 CD-KEY, may result in higher earnings, can be used to pay for son two years later to study related costs. Identity and bank assets by Mr LAU, it is recommended that Mr LAU can do a card-shangyouka, ICBC launched the "friend card" is a financial tool tailored for SMEsIs not only a symbol of identity can also save cost of capital allocation. With the business card you can buy exclusive products, open "Silver Messenger", can master the Fund passes in and out at any time, and account balances. Silver business card customer you can also join the friends Club, silver friends can enjoy easy, intimate clubs offered more concessions, settlement, financing, financial core, such as financial services, as well as otherValue added services, and more members of the customer information, exchanging experiences, sharing, cooperation and win-win business opportunities. Insurance plan first, as most of the family property is not implemented for SMB owners really split property and enterprises, when business crises occur, corporate debt problems, legal proceedings, main cash flows to the working capital of SMEs may evenLead to bankruptcy. Secondly, most of the small and medium enterprises from scratch, often successfully to overdrafts at the expense of the body. As the breadwinners of the family as a whole, in case of an accident or a serious illness, the family may be in trouble right away. Recommend that Mr LAU to accident insurance, it is essential that basic protection in case of accidents, their family responsibilities can continue to bear the, Medical insurance is insurance and major diseases that need to be configured, should unfortunately occur, you can compensate for the resulting economic losses and future rehabilitation costs. Liu's wife was a housewife, and no source of income in case of divorce, living expenses are a problem, proposals to pension insurance endowment insurance major disease risks, premiums are relatively high, but guarantees adequate. Son should take children's insuranceAnd major disease risks. Pension plan for Mr LAU need stable Endowment life pension plan should have the following characteristics: sustainability, stability, growth, is not misappropriated. Therefore, endowment of represented by business insurance planning tool, because of their professionalism, certainty, security, gain advantages such as sound, very suitable for Mr LAU monthly socialA supplement for pension insurance.����Proposals come up with $ 100,000 to invest the dividend a year-old-age pension insurance, payment and collection may have the flexibility of choice. Investment of pension fund investment is also a very good way to invest its time compound interest effect, empty, funds will be dispersed market ups and downs of the short-term risk. As long as they can adhere to long-term principles of deduction, select the range rightThe Fund, took out $ 3,000 a month to select index and mixed funds investment, I believe that Mr LAU at the time of retirement, we can reserve a very considerable sum of pension reserves, can fully guarantee the basic living expenses of retirement. Also can buy 100-200 grams of gold per year, long-term investments, increasing the stability of the configuration. Others:

